Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Seasoning

Alright. So my goal of getting more posts in before the next break didn't happen. BUT, I passed all my final exams~!! So I shall attribute my lack of updating to studying (although it may or may not be entirely true).
...Well, I'm still unsure of my Biology final, but I haven't gotten any ominous letters in the mail or in my inbox, sooo I think it's safe to assume that I at least passed. :D
Plus, on my unofficial transcript, it says that I got a B+ in the class overall!! I'M SO EXCITED!!
Seriously, that class takes effort. I mean, yeah, all my classes do; but Biology is the most demanding, right over math. (The only reason math is so close is because I don't like it as much. XD)
I managed to pull an A in all my other classes as well!! Hoorah!

So, that's my first semester full-time at college passed.
Now, to get through next semester.
We shall see how that works out.

So, right now I am back at home in Texas, enjoying the slightly-warmer weather and open space. Well, actually, the weather has been rather cold; I've even had to use the ice scraper a few times!

Which brings me to my next subject - I got a holiday job! Woo!
Well, more like returned to my old job for my break; I'm working at the Humane Society Mon-Fri the two weeks that I'm here. It'll get me some more money for the upcoming semester, which every college student knows is greatly appreciated. Plus, I get to inundate my animal-meter again~! <3
That is one thing I miss in college - having animals nearby all the time. Tame animals.

Well that's pretty much all I can think of for now. I've been catching up with a lot of family and friends, so those who are reading have probably talked to me already by now, but that's ok. I've also been watching a lot of movies.
And drawing. I finally got back to my fun comic-creating program called Manga Studio. It's on my home desktop computer.  I want to try to see if I can install it on my laptop that I might be able to use it while at school. Yes, with all my imminent homework and hanging-out and everything, I still want to pile comic-making on my list. Along with my arm exercises. We'll see how that works.

Love you all, and Merry Christmas~!
(And just for the season, Jonah Hewitt, the author of Limbo's Child, is offering the book up for FREE for a few days!
-> <-
Really and truly! Now, go treat yourself to an awesome read~)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Onward from Thanks

So, as the Thanksgiving holiday draws to a close, the immenintely looming finals draw nearer...

But first, a quick recap of what I've been doing!

This past week has been a bit of a flurry for me, for while I haven't really had classes to go to, I've been having a wonderful time busying myself with my own agenda~

I received the last book in the Leviathan trilogy (by Scott Westerfeld), Goliath, in the mail a few weeks ago. Not having to worry about other readings immediately, I *finally* got to sit down and read it!
I don't think I could say too much about this book, but for the sake of my arms, I shall refrain from even starting. Just know that I love it more now than I ever have before, which is saying qutie a lot. <3

Also! I have gotten more time to read on Limbo's Child! Hoorah!! Absolutely fantastic, I can't help but get sucked in more as I continue reading~ As I have said on many occasions before, check out the author's blogsite!
(He's even got a preview of the next book in the series prepared!!)

Also - I have been re-discovering how lovely having photoshop and a tablet is~ I haven't drawn much on my computer this semester, but I've been given a few excuses by organizations here at school to use my Photoshop skills, and finally had time to play with it~! So exceedingly diverting~ <3
I only wish I had my Manga Studio program on this laptop - I've thought of it quite a lot recently, and can't wait to see if I can put it on two devices once I'm at home for Christmas!

On the actual events side of things, I went to our school's production of Pride & Prejudice on the second-to-last night it showed. They all did a fantastic job!! The cast was incredible, and they all had wonderful outfits to boot! Not only that, but the piano playing was superb~ It was a long endeavor, nigh on 3 hours (with an intermission), and a single person played the entire time! (well, there were breaks to be sure, but they weren't noticable) The director did a wonderful job as well, since he put the whole play together with some help on arrangements. Yes, he took the book (and a few movie references) and put it all in a comprehensive and well-done script! He praised the actors on the fact that they could still memorize their lines, even as he made changes to the script even the last week before showing. I'm personally impressed not only with them, but with him and his efforts! They all did wonderfully, I wish I could've gone to more than one showing, but they sold out rather quick!

Alright, well I can't really think of much more to say that would be of interest...

Oh! There's going to be a masquerade of sorts as a 'winter ball' in a week or two~ I'm so excited!! >w< The only restriction is that we can't actually wear the masks - they have to be on sticks or in some way held apart from being attatched to a person's head or face. It's a bit bothersome, but it's little weight in the way of the joy of having the freedom of masks!!
Now, I just have to go out and buy some supplies... (or just buy one, but where's the fun in that?)
(...of course, it would save me some time...)

Ah well! Until next time~

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Long Time Posting

Alright, so it has been a while since my last post. I shan't offer excuses, they are the norm. I shall simply strive to catch up on the events~
(this is another reason I am really happy my mom tried to impress upon me the importance of keeping a daily calender; it helps recap easily)

So the last Saturday in October I was busy as could be. I went to a fun place called "Hoofbeats" to volunteer for a while; they were having a small Halloween Carnival and had me and a few other people from school help run booths. It's a place over in Lexington that is like a horse-therapy center for people with physical/mental impairments. 'Twas fun, I got to see animals again (HOORAH!), and I even got to wear a mask for a short time!
Almost as soon as I got back from that, I changed and went with my Philosophy class over to Lexington to attend a mass at the St. Patrick Catholic Church; apparently it's something Prof. Armstrong does every year. We went not only to experience how the church itself worked some, but to get an idea of how they interpret the Nicine Creed, which the congregation recited as well. It was really very nice, and they had beautiful music~

The only thing distracting me was the fact that on the way there, my car had pretty much freaked out and died. Thankfully, it did so only a few blocks from the church we were going to, but it still kind-of worried me. I was just driving along, with a few other people in my car (carpooling), when what looked like white smoke started emanating from under my car's hood. This was about 3/4 of the way there. Then, in the vicinity, my car locked up, the gas quit working, the smoke started pouring into the cab... So I just gently pulled over to the curb and parked where I could.
After the service, Prof. Armstrong unfortunately couldn't help as he didn't know a thing about cars, but my roommate's boyfriend thankfully was in the class as well, and offered to try to help me. Well, it had cooled off sufficiently to get almost all the way back to school without smoking, but when it did I pulled over and we both looked under the hood. He saw what he assumed was coolant over on the side, and it looked like my coolant tank was empty, so he suggested taking it in asap. We got back to school after letting it cool again. It started smoking a little more, but I got it parked without it freezing up again.

After that, I changed real quick and walked down to the Halloween Dance that was going on. It was tons of fun! Lots-o-people were dressed in awesome outfits, I loaded most of the pics on to my facebook if you look there. I wore my steampunk herpetologist outfit again~ This year, some people actually recognized what steampunk was! I enjoy college~
Here are a few of the fun costumes from the night~

(yes, it really lit up!!)
So, that was my adventure for that weekend~

The following Monday, I searched around for a good mechanic someplace. The Walmart over in Lexington didn't have an auto section, and the nearest Walmart that did was about an hour away. Eventually, though, after asking around, I found a local shop to take it in to. I did so on Tuesday, and after changing the oil and looking at stuff, they found my problem - the radiator tank had a huge crack down the front! So, almost needless to say, I left it there after calling my parents and informing them of the situation, and they said to get it fixed. It took a few days, as the specific part that was needed proved to not be easily forthcoming, but I got it back on Thursday~ They were real friendly about it, too. Thankfully, my parents agreed to cover the costs for me, since we had seriously *just* gotten the car looked over before coming out here. Hopefully, nothing else decides to pop up. So far, so good~

Then, that week I was elected and agreed to help put together an Institute Clue Murder Mystery Date Night! I was to help with the decorations. We had about four of us for the majority of the ideas; others did some things that Friday on the evening of the event, like tablecloths and the like, but we did most of the bigger stuff before-hand. Throughout the week, we got together and created cardboard candelabras (spraypainted them gold), painted and cut out life-size windows (since we were putting it on in the cultural hall), and such fun activities~ It ended up being a hit! I showed up as a contributor, and as a 'reporter'. The theme was Clue, as stated before, and it was a more modern-ish version, set in the 1920s-40s of sorts. There was a cast that walked around and got asked questions about the recent murder of a fast-food restaurant owner; his body was found burnt to a crisp! Turns out it was a gimmick set-up just like a story in the Book of Mormon! (Honestly it's been too long for me to remember the exact one... but it had to do with the Gadianton Robbers)

'Twas all quite fun~

I'm afraid I shall have to upload any more pictures at a later date; the internet is being obscenely obtuse right now and unwilling to work with me and my large number of pictures. But so be it.

Anyway, that following Saturday I went to a place called Boxerwood Gardens, which is a beautiful garden area which owns about 30 acres, and volunteered to help clean up a little. I only ended up helping in the kids' area, but it was beautiful nevertheless! Hopefully I'll go back soon.
That evening I went to an Improv presentation by alumni, and it was very fun! Afterwards, I went to an Elephant Shortcut concert! They're a band formed by some of the students here, my awesome Resident Adviser included~ They're really great, I'd suggest looking them up on Amazon/iTunes/Youtube! :D
Here is their website, a few videos included~

This past week has been pretty blah, focusing on homework and a bit of movie watching. Tuesday, at the suggestion with some friends, I finally saw this fantastical movie called What Dreams May Come, which I had never heard of before. It's really very beautiful and intriguing! Then I saw the original Clue movie (with Tim Curry!) on Thursday with the same group of friends~ Seriously though, homework has been consuming a good portion of my time.

Yesterday I went on our ward's temple trip, and went to the D.C. temple again! It was wonderful~
We got back in time for me to watch the second part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which I had not gotten to see in theaters!! Our school was doing a showing of both the first and second part - I got back in time to see the second~ <3

SO, I'm afraid I'm going to be late to a fireside tonight (they seem to have them all the time here!), so I shall have to leave off at that! Not much else has happened, except pictures, so that shall be attempted later.
Thanks for checking in!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Time's Past

SO, midterms are finally over. WHEW!
Now, on to the next set of craziness that shall be added unto for the final and make sure it all stays fresh in the mind.
But at least I feel like I have a breather for now~

In case you haven't (or have) been keeping up with the blog about the new book Limbo's Child, it's finally out!!!! *party*
Here's the main blog (which he's still posting chapters up on) ->
'Tis now available on for the Kindle (or Kindle Readers, which are free) for just $0.99!!
Yeah; read that again. $0.99! Seriously!! You can get this amazingtasticness for under one barking dollar!!
Even if you don't have a Kindle, which I myself don't, Jonah links to where you can download Kindle Readers, which are free. Here's the blog's link about it ->

Now, if that isn't enough of a deal to at least interest you, for this first week of the book's release, Jonah's offering the first half of the book for free.
If you don't believe me, I can understand - so here's the link ->
The last 300 pages will be for free next week; so if you find yourself unable to be bothered finding enough change for the entire thing now, go now and take your fill while you can.

Does this all sound too good to be true? Well it's happening; the free half for only a limited time though, so get on it!
(I myself simply bought it all right now; I mean come on; $0.99?? Even I, a scrounging college student, can find the money for that.)

In other news...

Our school got a bomb threat at 1 AM this morning.
Here's a (albeit short) news article on it; it made the headlines apparently.
And here's the school's low-down on what happened when:

I was just getting off to sleep, practically all the way out... when we got a knock on the door telling us we need to evacuate at 1AM. I myself didn't hear the knocking; my roommates had to get me up. So I groggily got up and put more layers on (I already had 2 layers, just added a few jackets; I'm rather cold-natured), grabbed my purse, and left with my roomies. I didn't grab my laptop, my phone, even my sketchbook. I was not all the way there. Actually, I was convinced we were doing a drill of some sort - we did a fire drill near the beginning of the semester at about 4 AM, so I wouldn't put anything past them now. When we left the building and passed multiple trucks and K-9 units, I began to be suspicious. I didn't really register that this could be something serious, though, until all we girls in the dorms were huddling and gossiping in the church building just down the hill. Well, there was talking going on; I was not a participant. In fact, I felt rather ill the entire time, I think I may be catching a cold... So that was added onto the fact that I just wanted sleep.
Alas, the floor of the church basketball area is not the most comfortable place to lie. That, and my stomach wasn't always sure what it wanted to do either.
At any rate, around 3:30 we finally got the all-clear to go back to our dorms. I didn't say anything, didn't really do much except trudge back up the hill, and fall into bed.
I probably got about 2 hours of sleep.
Then, at 6AM, my alarm went off for my 7AM Biology class.
No, classes had not been canceled in the slightest.

So, right now, I'm still going alright. I can do the few-hours-sleep thing for a while, but I will be sleeping good tonight... (I hope)

So, that's my excitement for the week. They still don't know exactly who sent the bomb-threat or why, it's still under investigation, but I'm (mostly) happy to say that classes are still going as planned and the entire campus has been cleared. I'm also happy I'm just a student. Mr Doxey, VP of organizations & student services here, said he didn't get home until 8AM this morning. Even then, he only grabbed a quick 2-hour nap before going on with the day. Plus, some of our Resident Advisers had to stand guard at the doors and make sure no one came in or left the buildings and didn't hardly get any sleep before classes began, if any at all.

So, I am lucky that I am not one of those people who freak out easily and couldn't have slept at all, as I am happy that I was not a Resident Adviser responsible for keeping track of people during this crazy time.
But that doesn't mean I feel any better physically. XP

Alright, I've gotten out my little whine/rant. I'm thankful that we're all ok and stuff, and hopefully it doesn't happen again.

Oh; and I drove out to Roanoke on Saturday~ Twas fun, I believe. Tiring, yes, but enjoyable. Especially since I got into a Barnes & Noble... <3 (and inevitably bought something or other :) )

Now, go check out Limbo's Child!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Step On Up

So, I just took two exams and a quiz earlier today~
I feel ok about them; I've studied and prayed and that's all I can do.

I was studying over the weekend, except for Saturday evening when I went to the Homecoming dance. The theme was "A Night Under the Big Top". Yes, like a circus~ It was awesome! They had booths Christmas lights and everything~ :)
 There was facepainting, 'fishing', arm wrestling, a photo booth... Even a guy doing balloon stuff~

Plus the dancing itself! I even got my friend Eddie out on the dance floor a little bit.
I left before it ended though; I was sooo tired... Hopefully I'll have caught up on my sleep by tomorrow.

In other news, I got to go to the D.C. temple last Tuesday!

It was beautiful~
(and massive)
It's about 3 hours or so from here. My roommates were all "That's so long to just sit in a car!", while I was thinking "Hey, like a trip to Wal-Mart back home!" XD We even got to take charter buses instead of vans~

Other than that, anticipating the release of Limbo's Child~!
Due to some last-minute strokes of genius, Jonah ended up adding one more chapter to the book, and it entirely works! It's the new prologue, if you care to read it on his blog~ ->
However, because of it, some re-organizing occurred in the book's formatting; some of it planned, some of it not. So he's having to do another editing session to fix it up. It sets things a little off on his schedule, but greatness can't be rushed. In the meantime, I wish him luck, and I invite even more of you guys to go check out what chapters he has already got up!
-> <-

And, simply because I was watching them again recently, check out this awesome dance group called Remote Kontrol!

This is from 2010, but they're still doing awesome stuffs now! This is just the first vid of them that I saw, and was blown away. It's a bit long, over 10 minutes, but it's still well worth the watch~
This is their website, with more clips of their amazing talent!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ever find random things happen to you when you're not looking? I swear I was just doing normal stuff today, even a little less crazy, and poof! I find a raw bleeding spot on my knuckle by just noticing it. Didn't hurt or anything, just noticed the red stuff on my milky complexion. (and I thought I was done with that after high school XD')
Guess I'm still as observant as ever~ 

Well, here it is, OCTOBER~ <3
Probably my favorite month of the year, right after December. :)
(The only reason December beats it out is because of school breaks, instead of the test-taking induced in October. Yes, that's counting Christmas and my birthday. I just think October rocks that much!)

And I find myself not quite as frazzled as I was expecting. Of course, it's only the first week thus far, but still. I believe it has been enjoyable! It's been getting chilly enough for me to wear my warm(ish) jackets, and start wearing gloves! <3 I love them~
And more trees are turning colors! Yay!!

Heheh; and, I got to see WICKED~!! <3 It was Oztacular!!

Unfortunately, we kinda missed the first 10 minutes because we got there right as the show was starting, and we had to go up a few flights of stairs. The actors' guild (I believe? That's what the attendants were telling us anyway) had mandated that if any of the audience was late, they had to wait for a good 10 minutes (until the first 'break' in the scenes) to get in to seating. >0 But at least we could still hear it~ And the theater was EPIC.

(Just so you know what I dressed up in, I put in the brighter pic of me. But then focus on the intricacy of that stage behind me in the darker picture - that dragon moved!!!)

I ended up buying a magnet and poster. The soundtrack was super-expensive, so I'm just gonna find that someplace else cheaper. :p Until then, Youtube, my friend!
This is the opening song to the entire thing~ <3
Seriously, that musical has such an epic score!!
I want to find the piano music soooo much, but first I'll focus on getting the soundtrack~

In other things, I've been working on homework; reading lots and lots, wrote a paper for Philosophy...
Yeah. Nothing too exciting. Yet very time-consuming. X.x

Again; October 15 is coming ever-closer!! Go check out Limbo's Child over here -> <-

There's a few of the first chapters up, as a special treat to those who go there~ <3
If you stick around for the news, I hear that he'll be offering the book for the first few days at a special deal....
for free~
Yeah, I know!! SO AWESOME, right?? SO, be prepared to go for it when the time comes! >D
(of course, it's not too expensive anyway... BUT who doesn't love free??)

So, get your bums in action and head over to right there!

And thanks for reading this randomosity~

Sunday, September 25, 2011

News and News of News

Things are a-going, if they ever were.

Let's see...
The leaves have begun changing colors around here~ Not in any big FWOOSH! or anything yet, but I don't know if that happens here. What I do know, is that there are a multitude of colorful leaves on the ground every day and continually falling off one by one if I watch long enough.

(No, I wasn't lucky enough to capture that leaf falling off the tree perfectly facing my camera - if you're even tempted to think that. I found this awesomely-red leaf on the ground and held it there, my hand just out of view~ ;P)

Also, my first long-term experience with 'cafeteria' food is rather enjoyable! They've got something new in the Dining Hall every day, heck, every mealtime! Sometimes, I'd prefer not to guess at what a certain dish is, but most everything is recognizable and tastes great! I love that they always have a salad bar, too, if the main dishes don't look all that appealing at the time. A grill to the side is available if one wants to cook up some eggs or something as well.

One of the times I sat down to eat and had my camera randomly with me. There was tortelini (yum!), and random beef-stew-type soup that I mixed with the pasta for fun~ PLUS, they sometimes have quiche!! I only generally see that stuff listed in fancy resturaunts or something, much less actually have it. I'm loving it when it's available~! <3

Also, this past Friday I was able to attend a senior recital by one of the students. He's got a family and everything, but he's still doing school and piano lessons. He memorized his pieces. He did four of them. They were barking epic!!! I didn't know human hands could move that fast! Actually, I have the program with me...
Here's what he played:
Prelude and Fugue no. 4 in C-sharp minor WTCI, BWV 849 - J.S. Bach
Piano Sonata no 21 in C major "Waldstein", op. 53 - Ludwig van Beethoven
Ballade no. 1 in G minor - Frederic Chopin
Vers la Flamme - Alexander Skryabin

[I highly suggest looking these up on youtube, if you don't recognize them. I can tell you, I still don't - but the tunes I do.]

He did an amazing job, I'd be blown away even if he didn't have a family at home and school going on at the same time! But he does. And he still memorized them.
I... miss playing piano; for there are practice rooms here on campus, but I don't have a lot of time to play. I've only used them once. Plus, I still really shouldn't do so for extended periods of time. XP

More good news: apparently, in Richmond (about 2.5 hours or so away), there's going to be a musical performance. My school is selling tickets, as well as transportation to/from the performance! I've only ever actually seen one musical, CATS, with my piano teacher a number of years ago. I loved it, and I've always loved musicals! So, of course, I jumped on this chance to see another one live~
And what would this oh-so-wonderful opportunity be presenting?
Take a guess.
*exceedingly excited*
NO, I kid you not. Seems my recent Oz'dity is going to be further ingrained by means of a live performance!! YAY!
.........ok, back to regular life.

This past Saturday (aka yesterday), our ward went on a service project. Turns out, we (my roomies and I) joined a different ward by accident, but such things are easy to do when times and meeting places are similar. Plus, service is service! Anyway, we got to go help pick up trash around a local riverbed trail. And you know what? This riverbed actually had water in it! Running water!! Plus, the greenery around it was beautiful~

Twas beautiful~ <3
Lots-o-trash though. :(

Well, that's all I can think of right now. :)

...Ok, so I personally don't have all that much in the way of news. BUT, someone else does~ CB

Jonah Hewitt, and his new book 'Limbo's Child', the first in his 'Dead Things' series.
It's supposed to come out on Oct. 15th!! (his main blog page -> )
It's coming out in e-format, on Amazon, and I've been anxiously awaiting a date on which to anticipate the release. I've heard and read some pretty barking awesome stuff about the book, as well as seen some of the concept sketches in the first trailor video, which can also be found on the blog. I'm really really excited to see this come together, and desparately hope that my Nook will be able to view the format. If not, I have a format-changer (InkScribe? eScribe? something to that effect... can't remember names right now) from a friend that shall have to do it's magic for me~

As for all of you, I simply ask you to go look at the blog he and his illustrator are updating, and read about it! It's Young Adult, and an awesome mixture of imps, mortals, mythology, and, well, dead things!
Here's the link to the book's description again ->
 Go! Discover! Get ready for the release! :D

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The World of Oz

Math is ever-presently my homework time-sucker. Seriously, it takes me more time to finish a section of College Algebra problems than it does for me to read sections in Descartes' "Meditations on First Philosophy" or Plato's writings of Socrates (and I find them a good deal more interesting).
Alas, it is probably because of the infernal strategy that has given me problems since I first tried learning all the different ways of doing it: factorizing. Oh, I've learned the different ways; I just forget the ones that will make a specific problem simpler when doing it - or I forget an entire concept completely. Generally, it then involved me making thungs infintely more complicated than they need to be, and as such have a higher chance of making mistakes. (of course, I seem to be making quite a few of them even with simple math... Remember, 1+3=4, NOT 5)

But moving on, as I'm sure I shall in math...

I was able to finally go and see the college's latest play production, a musical actually~ They did a retake on 'The Wizard of Oz'! Well ok, I don't know if I'd call it a 'retake'... they didn't exactly change much, they kept the same lines and everything, they just... added a few things to make it more fun~ Like... the entire cast was of 9 people. (quick changes) And they used minimalistic props, for the most part. (just some boxes and their clothes/attitudes to show they were on the farm) Plus some subtler things, like the intonation with which the lines were said. PLUS, an awesome musical score (from the original) that occasionally threw in other references. (Chariots of Fire, Phantom of the Opera, Wicked...) It was somewhat long, from 7:30(ish) - 10 PM, with a 15 minute break in the middle; but it was so worth it! The actors were great at everything, from the quick scene-changes, to singing, so their subtle inflections. I loved it!
Plus, I also got to meet the Olsen's dad. Mr. Doxy and his family were there, and they introduced me~

That brings me to another subject. Ever heard of the musical/book "Wicked"? I have heard about it for quite a while now, and just never really got up the motivation to investigate what everyone was raving about. Upon getting here, I discovered that one of my roomates and a new friend had seen the musical quite a while ago, and loved it. Plus, a friend online has been gushing about it occasionally. So, I decided to watch it on Youtube. Lazy? Perhaps; but I highly doubt it's coming anywhere near here sometime this coming year. OR back home, for that matter.
I. LOVED. IT!  I even found myself crying at the end...
I understand now why so many people love the musical - it's so barking ingenius! Yes, the original concept comes from the book - but the book didn't come with the musical score. I'm still unsure I'd read the book, not only for lack of time but because of some *scenes* I've heard about in it (though what book doesn't seem to have some these days?), but the musical is wonderful! I highly reccommend it, as it's very fun and educational about friendships and choices~ <3
And just because, here's one of my absolute favorite songs from it, simply for the fun of it.
"What Is This Feeling"

Since I've been so Oz'd up lately, you'd think I'd have had enough by now. BUT nay; now I'm getting an urge to watch SyFy's version of this classic, in a miniseries called "Tin Man" which I actually have with me here! It's very intriguing and fun; D.G. is 'Dorothy' in a modern setting; Glitch has a zipper on his head where his brain was removed; a sorceress named Azkadellia rules over the O.Z. with an iron grip...
Man, now I want to watch it again even more!

But first,  to finish homework. Reading is really rather relaxing, whatever it may be about, I'm finding. :3

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ever Onward

Just want to take a moment to ask everyone to think back to where they were when they heard of the Sept. 11 attacks back in 2001. Just remember for a few moments when everything about foreign relations and other things changed.
I was in my 3rd grade classroom, huddling with everyone else in my class around a kid with hearing aids listening as our teacher was told (outside of the room) what had happened; she'd forgotten to turn off her microphone.
I didn't really understand the fullness of what had happened, but I remember it nevertheless.

Alright, on to happier things~

This past week has been rather full - successfully switched to the Health & Wellness class, and the book is a lot more realevant than I expected. There's even self-assessments in there to help figure out where you may stand or give ideas to get you going. I'm liking it~ (though unfortunately, the site with the quizzes still won't let me in... The teacher says he has no problems gaining access with my information though. Frustrating.)

On Friday there's no Health & Wellness class, so at that time I went to BodyFlow for the first time. (I only recently recieved notification there would even  BE a class) It's a mixture of yoga, Tai Chi, and pilates. By the end of the hour (and at various points during it), I was shaking with the effort; but I'm pretty sure that's how it's supposed to go until one becomes used to it. I'll only be able to go once a week, in-between classes, but I'm going to continue for a while to see how it goes. I've been wanting a class with at least some yoga in it and haven't really been able to find anything. I still have this AM stretch DVD I brought with me, but I was hoping to do a little more. Over the next few weeks, I guess I'll find out if that's even physically possible.

At the end of church today, they handed out Visiting Teaching partners and 'students'. I'm lucky enough to know at least one of the people on my list - I get to teach one of my roomates~ My partner and the other girl on the list, though, I've yet to meet. I suppose that'll be happening over the next month.

Speaking of months, next one is October! Anyone else excited for Halloween?
Of course, I've yet to come up with a costume for this year, but more than likely I'll wear what I did last year - steampunk herpetologist~ Always interesting to see people's reactions! (now I just gotta get the rest of my costume from TX... probably...)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Just thought it might be a good time to add some pictures, for those who haven't the slightest what VA looks like. (I know I didn't)

me in front of the main hall ; shmancy, eh?

a comilative picture of my portion of the dorm room. It's changed up a bit since then, the hooks are gone and my necklaces are now on giant push-pins in my cork-board, but that's negligible~

The main entrance to campus! Up a hill. (behind the camera is a Dollar Store accross the street; good planning on their part)

The Lofts! In other words, the  girls' dorms. On another hill.

 For perspective: these are the steps that go up to/down from The Lofts to the rest of campus.

Yup; won't have to worry too much about keeping in shape, I believe. (though I do have a car; not worth it to find parking at times, though)

Yeah... can't think of anything else at the moment. I should probably work some on reading Biology! Yay!
(then do a math quiz.... meh...)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Here It Goes

Well, I'm out here in VA at college, and it's pretty amazing so far. I not only mean that in the 'this-is-cool' sense; I also mean it in the 'I'm-amazed-this-all-exists' sense! There's so much green, so many hills (that I have to climb every day), so much water running on the ground and just up in the air (humidity, that strange thing)... It's pretty much a shocker coming from drought-parched TX. But it's pretty fun.

There are sooo many activities going on - I understand when people say don't try to do everything! I don't even think that's even physically possible, with all the different organizations going on simultaneously and everything. (and I'm even at a small college!)

Though, that does bring up the fact that I'm part of the largest group of incoming students ever here, a record 400 new freshman, and a total of 800 students this semester! Definitely a change from the 115 or so kids at my entire high school.

Since coming here, I've been to two dances, an impromptu performance, and one full week's worth of classes. I'm currently still working out kinks in my schedule, and that won't be worked out until after Wednesday. Hopefully, it all works out. On the good side, I've been suggested by the Spanish teacher to wait until next semester to enroll in Spanish IV! Definitly makes me more proud of my Spanish skills I didn't think I had much of~ (though not necessarily less nervous)

Health-wise, I'm trying to keep working on my Trigger Point Therapy with a tennis ball at least twice a day, which is mostly working out. The yoga part of my routine isn't so consistent, but it's still in existance, so I'm happy about that. I really miss drawing consistently, but I'm still getting used to a schedule of some sort. Once that settles down, I'm pretty sure it'll be better. Especially after this first two weeks of math....

Grr; college Algebra isn't necessarily impossible, it's just math has always been a subject that requries much effort on my part. And the publisher doesn't even have their books out yet; we're going off of handouts at the moment. Plus an online source, which keeps blocking my entries for answers for some reason. Hoping to work that out with the professor this next week.

Well, I suppose I ought to get off right about now; my arms are kinda burning again. Time for the ice-pack!
Renting a mini-fridge with a freezer is nice~ ;)