Sunday, September 25, 2011

News and News of News

Things are a-going, if they ever were.

Let's see...
The leaves have begun changing colors around here~ Not in any big FWOOSH! or anything yet, but I don't know if that happens here. What I do know, is that there are a multitude of colorful leaves on the ground every day and continually falling off one by one if I watch long enough.

(No, I wasn't lucky enough to capture that leaf falling off the tree perfectly facing my camera - if you're even tempted to think that. I found this awesomely-red leaf on the ground and held it there, my hand just out of view~ ;P)

Also, my first long-term experience with 'cafeteria' food is rather enjoyable! They've got something new in the Dining Hall every day, heck, every mealtime! Sometimes, I'd prefer not to guess at what a certain dish is, but most everything is recognizable and tastes great! I love that they always have a salad bar, too, if the main dishes don't look all that appealing at the time. A grill to the side is available if one wants to cook up some eggs or something as well.

One of the times I sat down to eat and had my camera randomly with me. There was tortelini (yum!), and random beef-stew-type soup that I mixed with the pasta for fun~ PLUS, they sometimes have quiche!! I only generally see that stuff listed in fancy resturaunts or something, much less actually have it. I'm loving it when it's available~! <3

Also, this past Friday I was able to attend a senior recital by one of the students. He's got a family and everything, but he's still doing school and piano lessons. He memorized his pieces. He did four of them. They were barking epic!!! I didn't know human hands could move that fast! Actually, I have the program with me...
Here's what he played:
Prelude and Fugue no. 4 in C-sharp minor WTCI, BWV 849 - J.S. Bach
Piano Sonata no 21 in C major "Waldstein", op. 53 - Ludwig van Beethoven
Ballade no. 1 in G minor - Frederic Chopin
Vers la Flamme - Alexander Skryabin

[I highly suggest looking these up on youtube, if you don't recognize them. I can tell you, I still don't - but the tunes I do.]

He did an amazing job, I'd be blown away even if he didn't have a family at home and school going on at the same time! But he does. And he still memorized them.
I... miss playing piano; for there are practice rooms here on campus, but I don't have a lot of time to play. I've only used them once. Plus, I still really shouldn't do so for extended periods of time. XP

More good news: apparently, in Richmond (about 2.5 hours or so away), there's going to be a musical performance. My school is selling tickets, as well as transportation to/from the performance! I've only ever actually seen one musical, CATS, with my piano teacher a number of years ago. I loved it, and I've always loved musicals! So, of course, I jumped on this chance to see another one live~
And what would this oh-so-wonderful opportunity be presenting?
Take a guess.
*exceedingly excited*
NO, I kid you not. Seems my recent Oz'dity is going to be further ingrained by means of a live performance!! YAY!
.........ok, back to regular life.

This past Saturday (aka yesterday), our ward went on a service project. Turns out, we (my roomies and I) joined a different ward by accident, but such things are easy to do when times and meeting places are similar. Plus, service is service! Anyway, we got to go help pick up trash around a local riverbed trail. And you know what? This riverbed actually had water in it! Running water!! Plus, the greenery around it was beautiful~

Twas beautiful~ <3
Lots-o-trash though. :(

Well, that's all I can think of right now. :)

...Ok, so I personally don't have all that much in the way of news. BUT, someone else does~ CB

Jonah Hewitt, and his new book 'Limbo's Child', the first in his 'Dead Things' series.
It's supposed to come out on Oct. 15th!! (his main blog page -> )
It's coming out in e-format, on Amazon, and I've been anxiously awaiting a date on which to anticipate the release. I've heard and read some pretty barking awesome stuff about the book, as well as seen some of the concept sketches in the first trailor video, which can also be found on the blog. I'm really really excited to see this come together, and desparately hope that my Nook will be able to view the format. If not, I have a format-changer (InkScribe? eScribe? something to that effect... can't remember names right now) from a friend that shall have to do it's magic for me~

As for all of you, I simply ask you to go look at the blog he and his illustrator are updating, and read about it! It's Young Adult, and an awesome mixture of imps, mortals, mythology, and, well, dead things!
Here's the link to the book's description again ->
 Go! Discover! Get ready for the release! :D

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