Saturday, September 17, 2011

The World of Oz

Math is ever-presently my homework time-sucker. Seriously, it takes me more time to finish a section of College Algebra problems than it does for me to read sections in Descartes' "Meditations on First Philosophy" or Plato's writings of Socrates (and I find them a good deal more interesting).
Alas, it is probably because of the infernal strategy that has given me problems since I first tried learning all the different ways of doing it: factorizing. Oh, I've learned the different ways; I just forget the ones that will make a specific problem simpler when doing it - or I forget an entire concept completely. Generally, it then involved me making thungs infintely more complicated than they need to be, and as such have a higher chance of making mistakes. (of course, I seem to be making quite a few of them even with simple math... Remember, 1+3=4, NOT 5)

But moving on, as I'm sure I shall in math...

I was able to finally go and see the college's latest play production, a musical actually~ They did a retake on 'The Wizard of Oz'! Well ok, I don't know if I'd call it a 'retake'... they didn't exactly change much, they kept the same lines and everything, they just... added a few things to make it more fun~ Like... the entire cast was of 9 people. (quick changes) And they used minimalistic props, for the most part. (just some boxes and their clothes/attitudes to show they were on the farm) Plus some subtler things, like the intonation with which the lines were said. PLUS, an awesome musical score (from the original) that occasionally threw in other references. (Chariots of Fire, Phantom of the Opera, Wicked...) It was somewhat long, from 7:30(ish) - 10 PM, with a 15 minute break in the middle; but it was so worth it! The actors were great at everything, from the quick scene-changes, to singing, so their subtle inflections. I loved it!
Plus, I also got to meet the Olsen's dad. Mr. Doxy and his family were there, and they introduced me~

That brings me to another subject. Ever heard of the musical/book "Wicked"? I have heard about it for quite a while now, and just never really got up the motivation to investigate what everyone was raving about. Upon getting here, I discovered that one of my roomates and a new friend had seen the musical quite a while ago, and loved it. Plus, a friend online has been gushing about it occasionally. So, I decided to watch it on Youtube. Lazy? Perhaps; but I highly doubt it's coming anywhere near here sometime this coming year. OR back home, for that matter.
I. LOVED. IT!  I even found myself crying at the end...
I understand now why so many people love the musical - it's so barking ingenius! Yes, the original concept comes from the book - but the book didn't come with the musical score. I'm still unsure I'd read the book, not only for lack of time but because of some *scenes* I've heard about in it (though what book doesn't seem to have some these days?), but the musical is wonderful! I highly reccommend it, as it's very fun and educational about friendships and choices~ <3
And just because, here's one of my absolute favorite songs from it, simply for the fun of it.
"What Is This Feeling"

Since I've been so Oz'd up lately, you'd think I'd have had enough by now. BUT nay; now I'm getting an urge to watch SyFy's version of this classic, in a miniseries called "Tin Man" which I actually have with me here! It's very intriguing and fun; D.G. is 'Dorothy' in a modern setting; Glitch has a zipper on his head where his brain was removed; a sorceress named Azkadellia rules over the O.Z. with an iron grip...
Man, now I want to watch it again even more!

But first,  to finish homework. Reading is really rather relaxing, whatever it may be about, I'm finding. :3

1 comment:

  1. Ruth - so good to hear from you and about you.
    A friend of mine went from here in WY to Seattle to see WICKED - again! We are going to Salt Lake to can peaches and make salsa - and visit - and shop. Good luck with the math, and everything else. Hope all is well with you. Lots of love -
