Sunday, November 27, 2011

Onward from Thanks

So, as the Thanksgiving holiday draws to a close, the immenintely looming finals draw nearer...

But first, a quick recap of what I've been doing!

This past week has been a bit of a flurry for me, for while I haven't really had classes to go to, I've been having a wonderful time busying myself with my own agenda~

I received the last book in the Leviathan trilogy (by Scott Westerfeld), Goliath, in the mail a few weeks ago. Not having to worry about other readings immediately, I *finally* got to sit down and read it!
I don't think I could say too much about this book, but for the sake of my arms, I shall refrain from even starting. Just know that I love it more now than I ever have before, which is saying qutie a lot. <3

Also! I have gotten more time to read on Limbo's Child! Hoorah!! Absolutely fantastic, I can't help but get sucked in more as I continue reading~ As I have said on many occasions before, check out the author's blogsite!
(He's even got a preview of the next book in the series prepared!!)

Also - I have been re-discovering how lovely having photoshop and a tablet is~ I haven't drawn much on my computer this semester, but I've been given a few excuses by organizations here at school to use my Photoshop skills, and finally had time to play with it~! So exceedingly diverting~ <3
I only wish I had my Manga Studio program on this laptop - I've thought of it quite a lot recently, and can't wait to see if I can put it on two devices once I'm at home for Christmas!

On the actual events side of things, I went to our school's production of Pride & Prejudice on the second-to-last night it showed. They all did a fantastic job!! The cast was incredible, and they all had wonderful outfits to boot! Not only that, but the piano playing was superb~ It was a long endeavor, nigh on 3 hours (with an intermission), and a single person played the entire time! (well, there were breaks to be sure, but they weren't noticable) The director did a wonderful job as well, since he put the whole play together with some help on arrangements. Yes, he took the book (and a few movie references) and put it all in a comprehensive and well-done script! He praised the actors on the fact that they could still memorize their lines, even as he made changes to the script even the last week before showing. I'm personally impressed not only with them, but with him and his efforts! They all did wonderfully, I wish I could've gone to more than one showing, but they sold out rather quick!

Alright, well I can't really think of much more to say that would be of interest...

Oh! There's going to be a masquerade of sorts as a 'winter ball' in a week or two~ I'm so excited!! >w< The only restriction is that we can't actually wear the masks - they have to be on sticks or in some way held apart from being attatched to a person's head or face. It's a bit bothersome, but it's little weight in the way of the joy of having the freedom of masks!!
Now, I just have to go out and buy some supplies... (or just buy one, but where's the fun in that?)
(...of course, it would save me some time...)

Ah well! Until next time~

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