Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Seasoning

Alright. So my goal of getting more posts in before the next break didn't happen. BUT, I passed all my final exams~!! So I shall attribute my lack of updating to studying (although it may or may not be entirely true).
...Well, I'm still unsure of my Biology final, but I haven't gotten any ominous letters in the mail or in my inbox, sooo I think it's safe to assume that I at least passed. :D
Plus, on my unofficial transcript, it says that I got a B+ in the class overall!! I'M SO EXCITED!!
Seriously, that class takes effort. I mean, yeah, all my classes do; but Biology is the most demanding, right over math. (The only reason math is so close is because I don't like it as much. XD)
I managed to pull an A in all my other classes as well!! Hoorah!

So, that's my first semester full-time at college passed.
Now, to get through next semester.
We shall see how that works out.

So, right now I am back at home in Texas, enjoying the slightly-warmer weather and open space. Well, actually, the weather has been rather cold; I've even had to use the ice scraper a few times!

Which brings me to my next subject - I got a holiday job! Woo!
Well, more like returned to my old job for my break; I'm working at the Humane Society Mon-Fri the two weeks that I'm here. It'll get me some more money for the upcoming semester, which every college student knows is greatly appreciated. Plus, I get to inundate my animal-meter again~! <3
That is one thing I miss in college - having animals nearby all the time. Tame animals.

Well that's pretty much all I can think of for now. I've been catching up with a lot of family and friends, so those who are reading have probably talked to me already by now, but that's ok. I've also been watching a lot of movies.
And drawing. I finally got back to my fun comic-creating program called Manga Studio. It's on my home desktop computer.  I want to try to see if I can install it on my laptop that I might be able to use it while at school. Yes, with all my imminent homework and hanging-out and everything, I still want to pile comic-making on my list. Along with my arm exercises. We'll see how that works.

Love you all, and Merry Christmas~!
(And just for the season, Jonah Hewitt, the author of Limbo's Child, is offering the book up for FREE for a few days!
-> <-
Really and truly! Now, go treat yourself to an awesome read~)

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