Sunday, November 13, 2011

Long Time Posting

Alright, so it has been a while since my last post. I shan't offer excuses, they are the norm. I shall simply strive to catch up on the events~
(this is another reason I am really happy my mom tried to impress upon me the importance of keeping a daily calender; it helps recap easily)

So the last Saturday in October I was busy as could be. I went to a fun place called "Hoofbeats" to volunteer for a while; they were having a small Halloween Carnival and had me and a few other people from school help run booths. It's a place over in Lexington that is like a horse-therapy center for people with physical/mental impairments. 'Twas fun, I got to see animals again (HOORAH!), and I even got to wear a mask for a short time!
Almost as soon as I got back from that, I changed and went with my Philosophy class over to Lexington to attend a mass at the St. Patrick Catholic Church; apparently it's something Prof. Armstrong does every year. We went not only to experience how the church itself worked some, but to get an idea of how they interpret the Nicine Creed, which the congregation recited as well. It was really very nice, and they had beautiful music~

The only thing distracting me was the fact that on the way there, my car had pretty much freaked out and died. Thankfully, it did so only a few blocks from the church we were going to, but it still kind-of worried me. I was just driving along, with a few other people in my car (carpooling), when what looked like white smoke started emanating from under my car's hood. This was about 3/4 of the way there. Then, in the vicinity, my car locked up, the gas quit working, the smoke started pouring into the cab... So I just gently pulled over to the curb and parked where I could.
After the service, Prof. Armstrong unfortunately couldn't help as he didn't know a thing about cars, but my roommate's boyfriend thankfully was in the class as well, and offered to try to help me. Well, it had cooled off sufficiently to get almost all the way back to school without smoking, but when it did I pulled over and we both looked under the hood. He saw what he assumed was coolant over on the side, and it looked like my coolant tank was empty, so he suggested taking it in asap. We got back to school after letting it cool again. It started smoking a little more, but I got it parked without it freezing up again.

After that, I changed real quick and walked down to the Halloween Dance that was going on. It was tons of fun! Lots-o-people were dressed in awesome outfits, I loaded most of the pics on to my facebook if you look there. I wore my steampunk herpetologist outfit again~ This year, some people actually recognized what steampunk was! I enjoy college~
Here are a few of the fun costumes from the night~

(yes, it really lit up!!)
So, that was my adventure for that weekend~

The following Monday, I searched around for a good mechanic someplace. The Walmart over in Lexington didn't have an auto section, and the nearest Walmart that did was about an hour away. Eventually, though, after asking around, I found a local shop to take it in to. I did so on Tuesday, and after changing the oil and looking at stuff, they found my problem - the radiator tank had a huge crack down the front! So, almost needless to say, I left it there after calling my parents and informing them of the situation, and they said to get it fixed. It took a few days, as the specific part that was needed proved to not be easily forthcoming, but I got it back on Thursday~ They were real friendly about it, too. Thankfully, my parents agreed to cover the costs for me, since we had seriously *just* gotten the car looked over before coming out here. Hopefully, nothing else decides to pop up. So far, so good~

Then, that week I was elected and agreed to help put together an Institute Clue Murder Mystery Date Night! I was to help with the decorations. We had about four of us for the majority of the ideas; others did some things that Friday on the evening of the event, like tablecloths and the like, but we did most of the bigger stuff before-hand. Throughout the week, we got together and created cardboard candelabras (spraypainted them gold), painted and cut out life-size windows (since we were putting it on in the cultural hall), and such fun activities~ It ended up being a hit! I showed up as a contributor, and as a 'reporter'. The theme was Clue, as stated before, and it was a more modern-ish version, set in the 1920s-40s of sorts. There was a cast that walked around and got asked questions about the recent murder of a fast-food restaurant owner; his body was found burnt to a crisp! Turns out it was a gimmick set-up just like a story in the Book of Mormon! (Honestly it's been too long for me to remember the exact one... but it had to do with the Gadianton Robbers)

'Twas all quite fun~

I'm afraid I shall have to upload any more pictures at a later date; the internet is being obscenely obtuse right now and unwilling to work with me and my large number of pictures. But so be it.

Anyway, that following Saturday I went to a place called Boxerwood Gardens, which is a beautiful garden area which owns about 30 acres, and volunteered to help clean up a little. I only ended up helping in the kids' area, but it was beautiful nevertheless! Hopefully I'll go back soon.
That evening I went to an Improv presentation by alumni, and it was very fun! Afterwards, I went to an Elephant Shortcut concert! They're a band formed by some of the students here, my awesome Resident Adviser included~ They're really great, I'd suggest looking them up on Amazon/iTunes/Youtube! :D
Here is their website, a few videos included~

This past week has been pretty blah, focusing on homework and a bit of movie watching. Tuesday, at the suggestion with some friends, I finally saw this fantastical movie called What Dreams May Come, which I had never heard of before. It's really very beautiful and intriguing! Then I saw the original Clue movie (with Tim Curry!) on Thursday with the same group of friends~ Seriously though, homework has been consuming a good portion of my time.

Yesterday I went on our ward's temple trip, and went to the D.C. temple again! It was wonderful~
We got back in time for me to watch the second part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which I had not gotten to see in theaters!! Our school was doing a showing of both the first and second part - I got back in time to see the second~ <3

SO, I'm afraid I'm going to be late to a fireside tonight (they seem to have them all the time here!), so I shall have to leave off at that! Not much else has happened, except pictures, so that shall be attempted later.
Thanks for checking in!

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