Monday, October 17, 2011

Step On Up

So, I just took two exams and a quiz earlier today~
I feel ok about them; I've studied and prayed and that's all I can do.

I was studying over the weekend, except for Saturday evening when I went to the Homecoming dance. The theme was "A Night Under the Big Top". Yes, like a circus~ It was awesome! They had booths Christmas lights and everything~ :)
 There was facepainting, 'fishing', arm wrestling, a photo booth... Even a guy doing balloon stuff~

Plus the dancing itself! I even got my friend Eddie out on the dance floor a little bit.
I left before it ended though; I was sooo tired... Hopefully I'll have caught up on my sleep by tomorrow.

In other news, I got to go to the D.C. temple last Tuesday!

It was beautiful~
(and massive)
It's about 3 hours or so from here. My roommates were all "That's so long to just sit in a car!", while I was thinking "Hey, like a trip to Wal-Mart back home!" XD We even got to take charter buses instead of vans~

Other than that, anticipating the release of Limbo's Child~!
Due to some last-minute strokes of genius, Jonah ended up adding one more chapter to the book, and it entirely works! It's the new prologue, if you care to read it on his blog~ ->
However, because of it, some re-organizing occurred in the book's formatting; some of it planned, some of it not. So he's having to do another editing session to fix it up. It sets things a little off on his schedule, but greatness can't be rushed. In the meantime, I wish him luck, and I invite even more of you guys to go check out what chapters he has already got up!
-> <-

And, simply because I was watching them again recently, check out this awesome dance group called Remote Kontrol!

This is from 2010, but they're still doing awesome stuffs now! This is just the first vid of them that I saw, and was blown away. It's a bit long, over 10 minutes, but it's still well worth the watch~
This is their website, with more clips of their amazing talent!

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