Sunday, October 21, 2012


I am thoroughly enjoying Metaphysics, although my roommate doesn't like the deep-thinking it requires. Tis fun for me. Now I just gotta write a few essays on it for my midterm by next Monday... Not tomorrow, thank heavens - else I wouldn't be here right now~! Anyway, we're finishing up our section about 'what is a person' and moving on to 'what is space, time, and space-time'. >w< So exciting~!

Intro to Drawing is teaching me a heck of a lot. I have some problems getting all 4 hours of drawing in each week, but part of it is bad planning on my part, and not setting aside time every other day or something to do it. And then there's my body's revolt, as well... I am trying to do my exercises at least once a week, sometimes more when I remember, but... Yeah. Even as I type this, my arms are kind-of numb... maybe that's because it's getting colder, though. Tonight it's supposed to be 37 degrees Fahrenheit. D8 It's been in the 50s and 60s most days, sometimes getting into the 40s on cold days, but I have a feeling winter is coming on soon. Glad I have so many coats and things here~ <3

Still haven't thought of what to be for Halloween, though... Usually, I try to get that figured out in like summer or something, but I've just been so busy this year... I feel guilty about it, yet I don't. Ok, scratch that - I feel sad, but not guilty; I am doing what I can. It's weird how I feel like I don't hardly have time get homework done, let alone talk with my friends or work on my own projects, and yet the friends-thing happens almost without my planning it. It's quite impulsive, actually - I find out and plan immediately when I am with a friend when they are free. Even then it doesn't always work out. But we manage.

So I've signed up for my classes next semester, and while I am taking two more credit hours than this semester, I think it'll be ok. I'll be taking another art class, 2-D design, and from some friends who have taken it, it seems more like a color theory type course, which I haven't had before. I mean, I've gotten the basics, but nothing intensive. Also, I'll have the same number of classes as I do this year - some are just worth more points.

I had an... interesting learning experience with my bank recently. Apparently, I was over-drafting money for a few weeks... and I didn't find out until a snail-mail reached my parents and they called me. However, after some phone-tag, we got things sorted out, and hopefully they update their notification services soon.I am also keeping closer tabs on my online stuff banking-wise; I admit that I have been letting the receipts pile up beside my computer and in my wallet, but the online helps me stay on top of my current standing without much hassle. Also, when I do finally get around to catching up my checkbook, I'll check it against my online history rather than statements. It's more up-to-date, and easier, for me.

Other recent experiences:
A week or so ago I went with some friends to Poplar Forest here in VA, to Jefferson's old hide-out; er, 'vacation house'. He was quite popular, and did not always enjoy it. Anyway, we were there with the Regency Society of Virginia, and had tons of fun! Check out pics on my Facebook page; I'll try to upload some video of dancing later. So much fun!

Also, I got to go on a class trip to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond! <3 It's so amazing, beautiful, fantastic... The two hours we had was not nearly enough time to look around, especially with the 3-page questionnaire we had to fill out in that time, and I'd love to go again; although I'd prefer someone else drive...

Well I just had a mini-twang of pain in my right wrist, and I can't really feel my fingers, so I'll be off to reading the Aeneid. In gloves.
(also, got to read the Iliad and Odyssey for a class - man I love mythology! <3)

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I haven't updated in forever. <w<'
Sorry about that.

Moving on!

I am now back at Southern Virginia University, through many graces and some wonderful scholarships. I am still loving it out here, although the humidity is always something to get used to. I don't think we've gotten much from Isaac's remnant's, but we'll see how the rest of the week goes. It's been cloudy, but yet rather warm, so I've been staying in air conditioning when possible.

Also have been meeting up with a lot of friends from last year! Haven't seen all of them yet, but I forgot how many there were! Classes don't start until Tuesday, though, so I ought to have time to find everyone, hopefully.

My new roommate is a freshman, and thus far my only roommate, oddly enough. I'm kind-of hoping that it continues as such, since we've already got the room fairly organized, but we shall see as the year actually gets started. It's a bit sad, since it's just more proof that the attendance here has fallen a bit, but I don't mind so much.

On to my classes! I have a number of reading-intensive ones, I believe, so not sure how much time I'll set aside to get to this blog, but I'll try to keep it in mind.
Arts in Western Civilization (pt. 1)
Classics of Western Literature
Information Literacy - online class meant to help learn how to get information for papers
Introduction to Ballet
Introduction to Drawing

I'm really happy that I finally got into a real art/drawing class! I've been wanting to study it more, but haven't had time. The usual story. XP
Plus, with my arms doing better, I should be able to handle the class-load~! <3
I still have to do my exercises occasionally, but I expect to need to do that for.... a long time. But it's still SO much better than it used to be~

I'm also looking forward to Metaphysics. Yes, it's a level 3 course, and in Philosophy, and a bit abstract, but that's part of the fun of it! Also, a good friend who was in my Logic class last semester is also taking the course. >3
This shall be interesting, for sure~

Well, I can't think of anything else to update about... I'm going to try holding back and going to less activities this year, though - last year I am pretty sure I almost ran myself into the ground trying to get to everything.
We'll see how I manage myself this year.

Talk to you later~

Monday, May 21, 2012

Lots To Do

Alright, I've been home for a good two weeks finally, and I think I'm starting to get used to things again. There's still so much to do, I've been running every-which-way, trying to unpack in-between everything,  plus seeing friends... There's just a lot going on. If the lack of activity hasn't told you as much.

But anyway, on to something good:
Some awesome news~

I went to a physical rehabilitation center called Airrosti in San Antonio, staying at a wonderful friend's house meantime.
Airrosti was is a wonderful, fantastic Godsend~! :heart:
They were able to help diagnose, treat, and give me a home program to work on in the time space of about a week.
Check that - one barking week.
I've been trying to get this thing with my arms figured out for about 2 years now...
I am eternally grateful for the power of faith, prayer, and awesometastic doctors who know what they're doing.

So, I never got a specific 'term' for what went wrong with me, but basically I do too much desk-type work. My shoulders tend to be inwardly rotated because of it, making it harder on my forearms to rotate outward for gripping and other such movement. Usually, with exercise and such, this works itself out, or simply gives minor aches and pains that most people don't think about. But with my week of over-doing everything, I'd overblown it, and twisted up my fascia, the thin covering over all muscles. Unfortunately, this fascia also doesn't get a lot of blood supply, so healing is really slow, sometimes doesn't even happen if it's not helped.
A wonderful doctor at the Airrosti center was able to figure that out after a few minutes of prodding and pulling and discussion. He also has a chiropractic degree. So we set up to get the treatments I needed done in just a few visits, 4 or less is pretty much their goal for treatment visits anyway.

I'll admit, there were many-a-time while he was pushing and massaging my muscles that I held my breath for pain, sometimes subconsciously, but he kept talking the entire time, so I had something else to focus on and reply about. After the treatment, though, I would feel much more relaxed. Then off to the gym for learning what I needed to do on my own time. Got some flex-bands, a lacrosse ball (those things are dense!), and knowledge. Then I ice my arms afterwards.

I continue to do the exercises on my own, and did them between treatment days as well. What was exceedingly wonderful, was that I started noticing a lengthening in my stamina even just after the second visit! The third (and last) visit, I and the doctor agreed that I had practically doubled the strength in my right hand~

I... still find it kind-of hard to believe. But yet it's there.

Now, I'm not back to full strength, and I'm still trying to do my exercises a couple of times a day to get that back. I am getting better.
Wow... I never thought that sentence could have so much power. But it's true. I am. And I will continue to.

I've also started working full-time at the Humane Society~ Tis very tiring, but good fun and work at the same time. Lots-o-dogs and cats, numerous puppies and kittens coming in and going out at rather consist pace.

To help me keep up with the exercising in the mornings, before I head to work, I've finally started an awesome show called Once Upon A Time, from ABC. I watch it whilst doing my exercises. I am really loving the show thus far!

Anyway, still in the midst of doing a lot of things, and trying to get to writing on top of it! Not to mention all the books I want to read.... So I'm off to transfer some notes from notebook to the computer.

I'm also uploading a number of pictures from my San Antonio trip to my deviantart account. We went to the Botanical Gardens, and I couldn't help but get a bit carried away~

Anyway, I'll try to find time to update more often! Although, less 'social' stuff is going to be happening because I'm back home now, I've always got tons of stuff planned to keep me busy. Well, actually, I plan them to get them done, but they tend to keep me busy.
Talk again later~

Monday, April 23, 2012


Alright, so finals week has started.

I had my first final today at noon.
And guess what?
I TOTALLY ACED IT I'M SURE 8DDDDDDDD *imagine an exceedingly-overjoyed-excited face*
Tis Logic.
You know, that class that has had me working hours on end scratching my head trying to make connections and things.
I even saw a place where I could use logic in my Biology class last week~

Seriously; it's been almost an hour since I finished it and I'M STILL SO HAPPY CB
Ok, I've got Quest for Camelot music going on in different languages; I feel a bit more able to type coherently~

Ok, ok, I'll move on..... XD'

So, I still have a number of finals to prepare for, one of them my Spanish final that I decided to make a comic for. I only have about 4 pages put together at the moment, so I still have a ways to go, but I just had to share this epic information from above. >w<
Then, right before that, I have Western Political Theory, which I've been studying for since Friday or Thursday last week.
Aaand then there's Biology.
I'm not sure how worried I should be or not, considering how much I love it, yet how much information we're asked to remember. >x<
I really should look more at it.
And draw fun pictures to help remember things.

Speaking of pictures, I have a job pretty much secured for next semester! I'm going to be the photos editor for the Paladin, the school's newspaper magazine. I've been a staff photographer all semester, a freelance last semester, and I even got recognized for "Being the Eyes on Campus" at our last meeting~ ^.^ I'm excited!

Unfortunately, as I still have finals to study for, I don't have time to upload any pictures on here this time, but hopefully next week will be better.

Which also brings up another fact! After this week is over, I'm going to be heading back to Texas with my mom and my car, stuffed full of my stuff. On the way, though, we're going to stop for about a week or so in San Antonio, because I finally have a doctor's appointment for my arms again!!!!
It's at the Physical Rehabilitation Institute [sorry, wrong one - it's the Airrosti Rehab Center] there, which one of my friends' grandmother knew about and shared information with my family. We're really hoping that they might have some answers. I have several sessions scheduled, and there's a chance they could even help fix the problem, whatever it is. I'm not getting my hopes up too high, but there is hope~
Besides, if anything else, my family and I get to bum around San Antonio for a few days! XD My dad is going to drive up and join us for a little while, so it will kind-of be our mini-vacation for the summer~

No matter what, these next few weeks are going to be busy and exciting! I may not have a lot of time to do much blog-wise, but I'll be out there doing things!

Also, don't forget that Jonah's book is still available for one dollar digitally on amazon, or $20 in paperback!!
-> His blog! <-
Also, if you're still not convinced, he has the first 9 chapters available on his site for free. Yeah; go and test the waters before you cannonball in for probably one of the best deals ever.

OH! Right! I can't believe I almost forgot this!
I joined Pottermore~ <3
I'm in Ravenclaw!
They have some epic graphics on that site, I'm pleased.
I haven't had much time to devote to it, but I've gotten my wand (Spruce 11 1/4 inch, Unicorn core, unyielding) and gotten sorted (Ravenclaw FTW!), and I'll get to the potions 'n more after finals~
(now this doesn't mean I won't keep my wand that I actually made out of cactus a few years ago - I still love it~)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Lighter Future

For my head, at least, that's for sure! I donated a bit over 12 inches of hair to Locks of Love~



I love it!! It's so light, and free, and... fwooshy~ <3 Tis so wonderful! I like the (lack of) weight it has, I've got a few layers in as well, and I can still pin/pull it back if need be. Summer is going to be a lot easier without that monolith of hair I had before!
Don't get me wrong, I liked it well enough - I just don't have the time or patience to learn how to put it up nicely on a regular basis.
I am now, occasionally, "Short-Haired Poof." :D

Another big thing; bigger, actually: I got to go to a Creative Writing Workshop by Orson Scott Card!! >w<
Now, albeit I've not read any of his books, but I've heard great things about him, and know the general type of things he does, as well as have read a few bits and pieces here and there of his work. I was rather impressed with him in person, as well! He and some other writers got together for the workshop - Aaron Johnston, James Maxey, and Edmund R. Schubert. Card presented in the morning, the others split some of the afternoon, and then they did a joint forum Q&A session at the end.

Most things discussed were basics, but Card really helped open my eyes to how much knowing a second language can help one understand how grammar works, since it's not really addressed much in schools with English. (or at least, not remembered near as well)
If you're wondering what that says, it's "How to write your brains out and still have a life." This was Aaron.
Heh... I need to better learn this one...
Maxey here; one of his slides showed a rough estimate about how eBooks have literally shot up in sales remarkably fast. He mentioned that the eBook is great, if your stuff sells, and how a lot of other people are catching on that it is a big market, and therefore the crowded place it is becoming. He mentioned that a good portion of eBooks may not sell 5 a month, and therefore eBook-ing may probably not be a great option. However, it just made me remember how awesome Limbo's Child is, and realize how many other people must realize that since it had sold over 500 copies from November till January!
That reminds me, Limbo's Child is now available in print!! Yes, it's more expensive, but you're paying for a physical copy rather than simple data that can be stored in a space smaller than your hand. It looks fantastic; I don't have one (as of yet), but I've seen a picture or two, and just kept repeating excitedly "It's in print! It's in print!". Then, my roommates came back in.... XD'
It's in print, if you find that easier or more comforting than the electronic version~ <- the blog post about it~

...back to the workshop~
Schubert. He's more on the editorial side, and is quite knowledgeable about what kinds of things magazines accept, how to go about writing query letters (which I didn't even know existed), and similar such stuff. He's also head editor of that site behind him, which was started by Orson Scott Card and is still connected with him.

It's all of them! Yaaaay!
Really was an amazingtastical day~

AND, to top that off, I got to talk personally with Orson Scott Card after the workshop~ Sure, only for about 15 minutes or less, but still!! I wrote 5 pages of a story and submitted it to a decision-maker who decided who would get to talk with him. A number of those people were chosen, and I was one of them!
He didn't get it but from me in the room, so he got to read about a page and a half or so of it. Basically, he told me to try not to be so cinematic/detailed about everything and get to telling the story~ XD' I tend to be rather intricate about details, so I understand that. BUT, he said he was interested to see where the story went! And he didn't even get to a more interesting part!
So that makes me happy~
Very happy~

Well I gottta go to a Doctor Who Club meeting, so I'll try to remember to talk more later!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring Has Rain!

It's crazy! Not sure if 'official' spring is here, but it's now Spring Break where I am, so I say that counts. We've been getting rain on a fairly regular occasion, and a few snows even! (finally XD) I'm happy with the amount of water received~ I've heard complaints a-plenty, but I figure that being a desert-rat myself might have me a bit biased. <3

Also, good news about Limbo's Child! Not only has it been downloaded over 300 times (probably well over 500 by now, but I don't know for sure. Maybe Jonah should get a 'downloaded' counter for his site... if one exists~ That would be awesome! ...Anyway.....) , BUT it is now available in print!!
It's more expensive, sure, as it's print-on-demand, and printed books are of course going to cost more than one dollar, but still! The option is there!
-> Right Here <-
As still is, of course, the option to buy it at one dollar from Amazon.
Just saying~

Also, if you happen to have a deviantart account, or just want to see something adorable, one of my friends has entered in the "Cute Monster" contest! She's got a great design. Go and vote for her if you've got an account! If not, just look at iiiiiiit~ X3

Thus far this week, I have gotten my car inspected (again) for possible problems. Earlier in the year, found out that the radiator cracked, and had to get it replaced. >.o  So when things started feeling wonky more recently, I got it in straight-away. Thankfully, ended up just being  transmission fluid. But there was hardly any there; and it was black.... heheh....
Yeah. Not the car-savvy one over here. Thankfully, I was able to contact my bishop last time to ask his recommendation of mechanics, and the guy I've gone to seems quite friendly. I'm thankful for him, at least.

Now, for some pictures of some of the snow we got!
Yes, I made that snowman. No one else was up at that point, and there was just so much possibility!
(I also hoped he could encourage others up those stairs... Too bad he melted by that evening. XD' )

School-relation-wise, we now officially have a new president! His name is Paul A. Sybrowsky, a formal General Authority in the LDS church. Here's the article.
The ceremony was nice, with great talks all around, and he and his wife definitely seems qualified! Looking forward to seeing them around campus more.

Hmm... other news...
Oh! I got this awesometastical jacket from my friend here at school, who painted it up and decided it didn't work out quite how she wanted. I had been oogling over it since she started, so instead of scrapping it she gave it to me~! <3
The symbols on the back are for the elements, and along the arm should stand for something like "brave one". Nothing too significant for me, but sooo barking awesome!!! >w< I glomped her at least 3+ times when she gave it to me~

 Also! Got to go see The Secret World of Arrietty, the newest Studio Ghibli film~! Basically The Borrowers, but anime. 'Twas really fun! A group of friends and I drove out to Roanoke in 2 cars for the premiere.
The brightness isn't that great, but it was the only group shot we got with my camera. *shrugs*
That's a better shot of the poster. It's a really fun show, and I was totally expecting -*sorry no spoilers XP*- at the end, and was surprised that it didn't happen! But that's just my natural cynicism I guess. XD

I'll have to talk about other things at another time, as I am getting tired, as are my arms.
But before I go, here's a fun/pretty French song "A La Claire Fontaine." It's really a traditional song, and tis pretty as such. However, this version is a little bit 'smoother', and has a few changed lyrics; it's by a Canadian band called Garolou. I was lucky enough to have a friend translate this version for me (for a story I'm writing), and although not all the differences make total sense to me, I still love listening to it~

I am also going on a hike tomorrow. SO I ought to be off now~

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Isn't This Exciting?

I know! An update! How amazing!

heheh, ok, so all not joking aside, I have things to talk about and the time to do so! Somewhat...

SO, quickly then~

I have signed up for my classes for next semester [fall] here at SVU, because February is when it opens. If you don't grab your classes right quick, you won't be able to get into much of anything! At least, of what you probably need to get into. And a few of the wants.
I shall be taking Metaphysics, an upper-level Philosophy course. It's with an awesome professor, too! I'm rather excited~
I'll also be taking a Beginning Ballet class. I've had one year of classes before, but it was quite a while ago, so I'm looking forward to re-learning things. At least I won't have to worry about my feet positioning too much; my toes naturally point outwards! (not many people notice, but those who do tend to give strange looks... Can't say I blame them.)
I shall also be taking one of the required cores, Classics of Western Literature. I believe that I'll enjoy the reading, but there's going to be a lot of it, so hopefully I will at least like the subject material. We shall find out...
Oh! And I'll finally be taking Intro to Drawing! I'm excited to see what I will learn from an actual art class, instead of random model-drawing and stuff on my own. Plus, at least 4 hours of drawing will be required weekly, so I'll have an excuse to draw a lot again! (unfortunately, it may not be of things I want, but that is class for you) I may not get to draw much otherwise, as my arms still have no answer in sight, but a possible help may be investigated on my way home this spring. I shan't go into details because honestly, I don't remember many.
I was considering taking Anatomy & Physiology as well, but that would have taken muuuch more effort to handle at the same time as Classics of Western Lit, and would have thrown my whole schedule off because it's 4 days a week. *sigh* So unfortunately, no science/biology class next semester...
I will be taking Info Literacy, which is an online class that I hear is mainly teaching us how to use our resources properly. I hope it'll be a fairly easy class, because I'll need to focus on Metaphysics and Classics of Western Lit a lot, I feel.
But it also feels exciting~

Now I just got to get together more funds so I can actually attend next semester...
*sigh* More scholarship searching ahead... And applications. Hopefully that pay off.

Now, you're probably wondering what I've been doing besides class stuff. Well, unfortunately, I have gotten sick in the past week. Some cold of some sort is going around the school, and a good quarter or more of my Spanish class was out with it, and still has it, so it was kind-of inevitable that I would get it, I guess. But, I am doing what I can about it. Liquids, cough drops, TheraFlu... Bundling up warmly.

Also, my friends have decided that I have quite lovely hair, which I won't disagree with, and since it is also rather long, enjoy playing with it. I am astonished at the amazing things they have been able to accomplish.

I felt almost like Ariel!

I've never been able to get my hair to behave so nicely. It boggles my mind that people are capable of doing this. It'd be nice if I could get them to do it daily, but of course, I have a 7 AM Biology class 3 days a week. XD'

Oh, and there's a lovely river nearby that I finally got to go to for a little bit. Only a short time, but still lovely~ (though cold)

Well, I've got to be off! Bye~

Monday, January 23, 2012

Foggy Future

Well, it's been rather freezing around here lately. Sometimes below, it feels like. But, thankfully I have a plethora of layerable clothing, as well as numerous hats and jackets! Gloves don't hurt, either. So, while it's been normally clear and cold, I have managed to at least stop myself from shivering most of the time. (not always)

Today, such is not the case, but that's because it's cold, cloudy, and rainy/foggy. But, this is a good thing in my opinion - I enjoy the water thoroughly, as I see so little of it back home, even if it does tend to make me shiver. I can always put on another layer~ It's beautiful writing weather; now if I can just get through my homework so I can do the writing...

Not to say that I haven't been doing much in my Creative Writing class. It's a lot of fun, though challenging. Most of the time-consuming homework involves reading and critiquing. I'm good with that. There's just... other things I'd like to write on as well.

My Western Political Theory class is also going great! I knew from my philosophy class last semester that I liked reading the Socratic dialogues (Apology, Crito, etc.), but I wasn't sure I'd like other things involving Socrates so much! We're going to be reading most of Republic in class this semester, and while I was reading the first book I honestly forgot that I was reading it for a specific purpose (aka class). So entertaining~

Also - on Friday, for our Forum speaker, we had an amazing person who I never heard of before speak: Mindy Gledhill. Apparently, she's a really fun and insightful songwriter/musician who has done a few things for EFY in the past, and has recently made a name for herself as a somewhat popular artist non-religiously. She had a concert that evening, and it was most definitely a fantastic experience! I took pictures, but I don't have them loaded yet. Hopefully, later this evening, that will happen. We shall find out. >D
Look her up if you haven't heard of her - she's a beautiful mom and an excellent artist.
her site ->  go to the music link and her songs'll start playing
Well, I'm stealing this off before eating again, so I'm off to food! Hopefully, I"ll keep updated more often~

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year's Semester

So, back to the school-grind!

This semester, I'm taking Biology, Western Political Theory, Spanish IV, Intro to Logic, and Intro to Creative Writing, as well as Book of Mormon part 2 in Institute.

I've got a much more spread out schedule than last semester, which was just scrunched almost entirely into one block of about 5 hours a day. Now I've generally got an hour or more between some classes, and I think only two or three are right after the other.

My computer is running low on fuel, though, so I gotta make this quick before going to eat.

Creative writing is going to be a blast, but all this writing is really going to stress out my arms. (like I don't do that enough)
So I may end up at teh chiropractor more often, though we still haven't the slightest idea what's up with me.
So I'll be using my heating pad and ice packs until then.

And I got a new camera!! Maybe meaning more pictures~ <3
(ok, not new new, but it's fancier than the other one, and I've not had it before. So I'm excited!)

Plus! I just found out that one of my friends here at school also has Manga Studio!! Her style is much more amazingtastical than mine, I assure you, but we need still to explore this strange program and see what it can do! So we're hoping to get some time together at least once a week in order to do something together about that.

Alrighty, gotta go!