Monday, January 23, 2012

Foggy Future

Well, it's been rather freezing around here lately. Sometimes below, it feels like. But, thankfully I have a plethora of layerable clothing, as well as numerous hats and jackets! Gloves don't hurt, either. So, while it's been normally clear and cold, I have managed to at least stop myself from shivering most of the time. (not always)

Today, such is not the case, but that's because it's cold, cloudy, and rainy/foggy. But, this is a good thing in my opinion - I enjoy the water thoroughly, as I see so little of it back home, even if it does tend to make me shiver. I can always put on another layer~ It's beautiful writing weather; now if I can just get through my homework so I can do the writing...

Not to say that I haven't been doing much in my Creative Writing class. It's a lot of fun, though challenging. Most of the time-consuming homework involves reading and critiquing. I'm good with that. There's just... other things I'd like to write on as well.

My Western Political Theory class is also going great! I knew from my philosophy class last semester that I liked reading the Socratic dialogues (Apology, Crito, etc.), but I wasn't sure I'd like other things involving Socrates so much! We're going to be reading most of Republic in class this semester, and while I was reading the first book I honestly forgot that I was reading it for a specific purpose (aka class). So entertaining~

Also - on Friday, for our Forum speaker, we had an amazing person who I never heard of before speak: Mindy Gledhill. Apparently, she's a really fun and insightful songwriter/musician who has done a few things for EFY in the past, and has recently made a name for herself as a somewhat popular artist non-religiously. She had a concert that evening, and it was most definitely a fantastic experience! I took pictures, but I don't have them loaded yet. Hopefully, later this evening, that will happen. We shall find out. >D
Look her up if you haven't heard of her - she's a beautiful mom and an excellent artist.
her site ->  go to the music link and her songs'll start playing
Well, I'm stealing this off before eating again, so I'm off to food! Hopefully, I"ll keep updated more often~

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