Sunday, October 21, 2012


I am thoroughly enjoying Metaphysics, although my roommate doesn't like the deep-thinking it requires. Tis fun for me. Now I just gotta write a few essays on it for my midterm by next Monday... Not tomorrow, thank heavens - else I wouldn't be here right now~! Anyway, we're finishing up our section about 'what is a person' and moving on to 'what is space, time, and space-time'. >w< So exciting~!

Intro to Drawing is teaching me a heck of a lot. I have some problems getting all 4 hours of drawing in each week, but part of it is bad planning on my part, and not setting aside time every other day or something to do it. And then there's my body's revolt, as well... I am trying to do my exercises at least once a week, sometimes more when I remember, but... Yeah. Even as I type this, my arms are kind-of numb... maybe that's because it's getting colder, though. Tonight it's supposed to be 37 degrees Fahrenheit. D8 It's been in the 50s and 60s most days, sometimes getting into the 40s on cold days, but I have a feeling winter is coming on soon. Glad I have so many coats and things here~ <3

Still haven't thought of what to be for Halloween, though... Usually, I try to get that figured out in like summer or something, but I've just been so busy this year... I feel guilty about it, yet I don't. Ok, scratch that - I feel sad, but not guilty; I am doing what I can. It's weird how I feel like I don't hardly have time get homework done, let alone talk with my friends or work on my own projects, and yet the friends-thing happens almost without my planning it. It's quite impulsive, actually - I find out and plan immediately when I am with a friend when they are free. Even then it doesn't always work out. But we manage.

So I've signed up for my classes next semester, and while I am taking two more credit hours than this semester, I think it'll be ok. I'll be taking another art class, 2-D design, and from some friends who have taken it, it seems more like a color theory type course, which I haven't had before. I mean, I've gotten the basics, but nothing intensive. Also, I'll have the same number of classes as I do this year - some are just worth more points.

I had an... interesting learning experience with my bank recently. Apparently, I was over-drafting money for a few weeks... and I didn't find out until a snail-mail reached my parents and they called me. However, after some phone-tag, we got things sorted out, and hopefully they update their notification services soon.I am also keeping closer tabs on my online stuff banking-wise; I admit that I have been letting the receipts pile up beside my computer and in my wallet, but the online helps me stay on top of my current standing without much hassle. Also, when I do finally get around to catching up my checkbook, I'll check it against my online history rather than statements. It's more up-to-date, and easier, for me.

Other recent experiences:
A week or so ago I went with some friends to Poplar Forest here in VA, to Jefferson's old hide-out; er, 'vacation house'. He was quite popular, and did not always enjoy it. Anyway, we were there with the Regency Society of Virginia, and had tons of fun! Check out pics on my Facebook page; I'll try to upload some video of dancing later. So much fun!

Also, I got to go on a class trip to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond! <3 It's so amazing, beautiful, fantastic... The two hours we had was not nearly enough time to look around, especially with the 3-page questionnaire we had to fill out in that time, and I'd love to go again; although I'd prefer someone else drive...

Well I just had a mini-twang of pain in my right wrist, and I can't really feel my fingers, so I'll be off to reading the Aeneid. In gloves.
(also, got to read the Iliad and Odyssey for a class - man I love mythology! <3)

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