Sunday, September 2, 2012


I haven't updated in forever. <w<'
Sorry about that.

Moving on!

I am now back at Southern Virginia University, through many graces and some wonderful scholarships. I am still loving it out here, although the humidity is always something to get used to. I don't think we've gotten much from Isaac's remnant's, but we'll see how the rest of the week goes. It's been cloudy, but yet rather warm, so I've been staying in air conditioning when possible.

Also have been meeting up with a lot of friends from last year! Haven't seen all of them yet, but I forgot how many there were! Classes don't start until Tuesday, though, so I ought to have time to find everyone, hopefully.

My new roommate is a freshman, and thus far my only roommate, oddly enough. I'm kind-of hoping that it continues as such, since we've already got the room fairly organized, but we shall see as the year actually gets started. It's a bit sad, since it's just more proof that the attendance here has fallen a bit, but I don't mind so much.

On to my classes! I have a number of reading-intensive ones, I believe, so not sure how much time I'll set aside to get to this blog, but I'll try to keep it in mind.
Arts in Western Civilization (pt. 1)
Classics of Western Literature
Information Literacy - online class meant to help learn how to get information for papers
Introduction to Ballet
Introduction to Drawing

I'm really happy that I finally got into a real art/drawing class! I've been wanting to study it more, but haven't had time. The usual story. XP
Plus, with my arms doing better, I should be able to handle the class-load~! <3
I still have to do my exercises occasionally, but I expect to need to do that for.... a long time. But it's still SO much better than it used to be~

I'm also looking forward to Metaphysics. Yes, it's a level 3 course, and in Philosophy, and a bit abstract, but that's part of the fun of it! Also, a good friend who was in my Logic class last semester is also taking the course. >3
This shall be interesting, for sure~

Well, I can't think of anything else to update about... I'm going to try holding back and going to less activities this year, though - last year I am pretty sure I almost ran myself into the ground trying to get to everything.
We'll see how I manage myself this year.

Talk to you later~

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