Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring Has Rain!

It's crazy! Not sure if 'official' spring is here, but it's now Spring Break where I am, so I say that counts. We've been getting rain on a fairly regular occasion, and a few snows even! (finally XD) I'm happy with the amount of water received~ I've heard complaints a-plenty, but I figure that being a desert-rat myself might have me a bit biased. <3

Also, good news about Limbo's Child! Not only has it been downloaded over 300 times (probably well over 500 by now, but I don't know for sure. Maybe Jonah should get a 'downloaded' counter for his site... if one exists~ That would be awesome! ...Anyway.....) , BUT it is now available in print!!
It's more expensive, sure, as it's print-on-demand, and printed books are of course going to cost more than one dollar, but still! The option is there!
-> Right Here <-
As still is, of course, the option to buy it at one dollar from Amazon.
Just saying~

Also, if you happen to have a deviantart account, or just want to see something adorable, one of my friends has entered in the "Cute Monster" contest! She's got a great design. Go and vote for her if you've got an account! If not, just look at iiiiiiit~ X3

Thus far this week, I have gotten my car inspected (again) for possible problems. Earlier in the year, found out that the radiator cracked, and had to get it replaced. >.o  So when things started feeling wonky more recently, I got it in straight-away. Thankfully, ended up just being  transmission fluid. But there was hardly any there; and it was black.... heheh....
Yeah. Not the car-savvy one over here. Thankfully, I was able to contact my bishop last time to ask his recommendation of mechanics, and the guy I've gone to seems quite friendly. I'm thankful for him, at least.

Now, for some pictures of some of the snow we got!
Yes, I made that snowman. No one else was up at that point, and there was just so much possibility!
(I also hoped he could encourage others up those stairs... Too bad he melted by that evening. XD' )

School-relation-wise, we now officially have a new president! His name is Paul A. Sybrowsky, a formal General Authority in the LDS church. Here's the article.
The ceremony was nice, with great talks all around, and he and his wife definitely seems qualified! Looking forward to seeing them around campus more.

Hmm... other news...
Oh! I got this awesometastical jacket from my friend here at school, who painted it up and decided it didn't work out quite how she wanted. I had been oogling over it since she started, so instead of scrapping it she gave it to me~! <3
The symbols on the back are for the elements, and along the arm should stand for something like "brave one". Nothing too significant for me, but sooo barking awesome!!! >w< I glomped her at least 3+ times when she gave it to me~

 Also! Got to go see The Secret World of Arrietty, the newest Studio Ghibli film~! Basically The Borrowers, but anime. 'Twas really fun! A group of friends and I drove out to Roanoke in 2 cars for the premiere.
The brightness isn't that great, but it was the only group shot we got with my camera. *shrugs*
That's a better shot of the poster. It's a really fun show, and I was totally expecting -*sorry no spoilers XP*- at the end, and was surprised that it didn't happen! But that's just my natural cynicism I guess. XD

I'll have to talk about other things at another time, as I am getting tired, as are my arms.
But before I go, here's a fun/pretty French song "A La Claire Fontaine." It's really a traditional song, and tis pretty as such. However, this version is a little bit 'smoother', and has a few changed lyrics; it's by a Canadian band called Garolou. I was lucky enough to have a friend translate this version for me (for a story I'm writing), and although not all the differences make total sense to me, I still love listening to it~

I am also going on a hike tomorrow. SO I ought to be off now~

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