Monday, April 23, 2012


Alright, so finals week has started.

I had my first final today at noon.
And guess what?
I TOTALLY ACED IT I'M SURE 8DDDDDDDD *imagine an exceedingly-overjoyed-excited face*
Tis Logic.
You know, that class that has had me working hours on end scratching my head trying to make connections and things.
I even saw a place where I could use logic in my Biology class last week~

Seriously; it's been almost an hour since I finished it and I'M STILL SO HAPPY CB
Ok, I've got Quest for Camelot music going on in different languages; I feel a bit more able to type coherently~

Ok, ok, I'll move on..... XD'

So, I still have a number of finals to prepare for, one of them my Spanish final that I decided to make a comic for. I only have about 4 pages put together at the moment, so I still have a ways to go, but I just had to share this epic information from above. >w<
Then, right before that, I have Western Political Theory, which I've been studying for since Friday or Thursday last week.
Aaand then there's Biology.
I'm not sure how worried I should be or not, considering how much I love it, yet how much information we're asked to remember. >x<
I really should look more at it.
And draw fun pictures to help remember things.

Speaking of pictures, I have a job pretty much secured for next semester! I'm going to be the photos editor for the Paladin, the school's newspaper magazine. I've been a staff photographer all semester, a freelance last semester, and I even got recognized for "Being the Eyes on Campus" at our last meeting~ ^.^ I'm excited!

Unfortunately, as I still have finals to study for, I don't have time to upload any pictures on here this time, but hopefully next week will be better.

Which also brings up another fact! After this week is over, I'm going to be heading back to Texas with my mom and my car, stuffed full of my stuff. On the way, though, we're going to stop for about a week or so in San Antonio, because I finally have a doctor's appointment for my arms again!!!!
It's at the Physical Rehabilitation Institute [sorry, wrong one - it's the Airrosti Rehab Center] there, which one of my friends' grandmother knew about and shared information with my family. We're really hoping that they might have some answers. I have several sessions scheduled, and there's a chance they could even help fix the problem, whatever it is. I'm not getting my hopes up too high, but there is hope~
Besides, if anything else, my family and I get to bum around San Antonio for a few days! XD My dad is going to drive up and join us for a little while, so it will kind-of be our mini-vacation for the summer~

No matter what, these next few weeks are going to be busy and exciting! I may not have a lot of time to do much blog-wise, but I'll be out there doing things!

Also, don't forget that Jonah's book is still available for one dollar digitally on amazon, or $20 in paperback!!
-> His blog! <-
Also, if you're still not convinced, he has the first 9 chapters available on his site for free. Yeah; go and test the waters before you cannonball in for probably one of the best deals ever.

OH! Right! I can't believe I almost forgot this!
I joined Pottermore~ <3
I'm in Ravenclaw!
They have some epic graphics on that site, I'm pleased.
I haven't had much time to devote to it, but I've gotten my wand (Spruce 11 1/4 inch, Unicorn core, unyielding) and gotten sorted (Ravenclaw FTW!), and I'll get to the potions 'n more after finals~
(now this doesn't mean I won't keep my wand that I actually made out of cactus a few years ago - I still love it~)

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