Saturday, June 21, 2014

Updating. It's a Thing.

Alas, tis usually a thing I tend to forget about. :p
But I'm trying to get better! Hence, this will probably be short, but it'll be existing~

It's nearing the end of June. O_o Yeesh. Ok, technically there's still a full week left, but still! *sigh*
Anyway, I've been working on an online personal & family finances class for a couple weeks now, and I've made good progress. It's not excessively new, but I'm definitely learning. And have more patience/respect for bank people. I'm sure there's computer programs to help them do it all, but they still have to be sure about it, and double check, and fix things when there's screw-ups... I'm making it through the practice and test problems, but only after redoing them about three times for putting something in wrong. XP But at least I'm catching most things before I finish! Or at least close thereunto.

Now, a friend of mine has written the first part of an epic series called "The Book of Brothers" - the first part is "Children of Cain" and is available for about a dollar via Amazon Kindle! 8D It's a fantastic story about family and siblings, involving sacrifice, dirt, and death (or lack thereof). Also an interesting preacher. And out of body experiences. Sort-of. There are usually bodies involved. Erm... You can read some of it for free in the preview mode, it'll give you some ideas. XD Anyway, it's totally worth the buy!
Also, you get to see some of my art! She asked me to create a cover image for the story, and I managed to put something together in photoshop~ Learned a lot about how to make digital stained glass windows. (Hopefully some of it sticks.) I'm actually rather happy with how the whole thing turned out myself, and she seemed pretty happy with it~ (I mean, she used it as the cover, so... XD)
She's also got a pretty awesome anthology of poetry and shorts for sale, digital or paperback, called "Odd Ends." It involves bits from a screenwriting project concerning Greek & Nose gods involved in a war, a one-act play concerning some Shakespearean characters awaiting judgement in Dante's Inferno (it's quite entertaining, really), and some bits extracted from The Book of Brothers (more than in Children of Cain). Slightly more expensive, still definitely worth the cost. (~$3 electronic, still less than $10 paperpack. I mean seriously!)

In other news, I finally finished the long story I've been working on, and even got through one edit of my own! I'm having a friend look over it before I start posting online, because I can only catch so much. :p It's currently at 79,000-ish words. 43 chapters. Yep. Did not expect that. <w<'
But hey! I'm pretty darn happy with it. It's a Princess Tutu fanfiction, and I've learned tons about the writing process, and arrangement, and planning, and replanning, and... yes. It's been an awesome experience, and I can't wait to get it up! (and I think I've been learning even more because it's also a story about writing... Oh metafiction~ X3)
I'll put up a link once I start posting so you can keep up if you'd like, I've tried to keep the chapters at manageable lengths, but I would seriously suggest watching the show beforehand. It's set post-series, so I reference quite a few things that happen in the series. And it's only 26 episodes long! 13 hours! A weekend marathon! (of strange, sweet, and weird wonderfulness) (with darkness injected everywhere behind the scenes. And then it leaks through them. And then it breaks them. And then the characters have to deal with the pieces.)

Ok, I've probably rambled more than I need to. I've got a part-time job at the Observatory helping as a Telescope Operator at the Visitors' Center, and I'm also taking a ballet class about 45 minutes away. Going awesomely. The finances class I already talked about. Still need to organize things.
Mom is sick, but getting better. Dad's back and forth as usual with lightning fires and other calls. But at least nothing too crazy has happened yet. (knock on wood) And the rains are finally coming too! Yay water!

Aaaand that's about all I can think of for now. <w<'
(man I still have so much to do... ONWARDS)

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