Sunday, May 11, 2014

Back to TX

So! Another year at school has come and gone, and my wonderful car has survived another cross-country trip. There were times when I was a bit unsure this time around, but she's held together, and when a bit of smoke has come up it's just been really hot under the hood; no warning temps on the gauges or anything. :3 So I can still drive around for a while yet!

Also, happy Mother's Day to moms of the world, especially my own awesome mom who drove all the way back from VA with me! There were some trying times, but we survived~ <3

For this past semester, I am happy to say that I got As in at least two of my classes!! 8D The other two are still waiting to put everything in... the grade says WIP, so I've got to chew my fingers about that for a while yet. But my audited class is on my transcript, so I must have done well enough in the class! (I don't have a grade, but it's there) It was fun, I'm glad I took it. I wish the book would have been cheaper to keep, but even the rental was a bit expensive so I had to let it go. I did keep a few other books, though, partially because I could and partially because I wanted them for further reference in the future! There are some very useful books, indeed~ (and fun ones)

Now that summer is officially here for me, I have about three months to get a job, write, do an online class, and keep up with ballet. Also try to update the notes I've taken over the school year to my notes on my computer, organize them, and prepare for classes in the fall! And read things that have been on an ever-growing list. And talk with friends more often. Yeah. Three months. Got this. (I hope)
Good news: I believe I already have a part-time job for the summer! Still working on the details, but I've been told that it's pretty certain that I have it.

Regarding the online class, if I want to complete my Family & Child Development (FCD) minor, I'm about one class short if I do one per semester over the next two semesters. So, I'm going to do an equivalent online with BYU Independent Study (because I've gotten their programs approved by the coordinator at my school) before school starts again.

Reminds me: next year I'm going to be a senior!! O_o Wow. Time. It moves fast.
That also means I need to get more work done researching a graduate program/school. Yeesh. If anyone knows of good psychology programs or schools, let me know in comments or something! I'm more looking into Research Methodology-ish, I think, but with a psych focus. Hm. We'll see how that works.

And I'm going to be writing like mad. I want to finish that fanfiction I mentioned before. I've been able to work on it about once a week during the semester, but especially not so much near the end of the semester. So close!! And, of course, I've gotten at least three different ideas for short stories during just the last few weeks of classes. (bursts of inspiration always seem to come at the busiest times, don't they?) So... we'll see how those develop. If they do. Because I do have other things that need more development themselves. <w<'

Anyway! That's pretty much what's happening recently. Still have yet to unpack everything because we just got back last night, but we got back before dark this time! I'll unpack later.
Right. More to organize. Got this!
(I hope)

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