Sunday, March 23, 2014


The mid-semester point has passed, and I am starting into the headlong rush to get through the end of the semester! (Ok, maybe not quite 'headlong', but it can sure seem crazy at times!)

Being Editor-in-Chief of The Review (the literary magazine here at school) has been quite intensive! But I think we've made awesome progress: we had a rather successful poetry reading night even last semester (as in people came; it's the first one the magazine has held), and this semester we're having a fundraising event of dinner and poetry reading together! It's been a bit crazy trying to plan it around the tons of concerts and other school events (I love them all, but space gets crowded!), and we're still hammering out details. But I hope and pray that we have finally got a date and time set, and that people will come! Another wonderful thing about this year: our layout looks awesome! Our previous years looked nice, but this year we had a layout editor who was able to put more time into everything, and I'm really grateful to be able to work with her and the professor who heads the project. And the staff! Staff that come to meetings and are involved! It's fantastic.

So, aside from my rant concerning that... I've really been enjoying going to a Mythology course!! I got into Greek & Roman Mythology, which is the first time I've actually seen the course offered. I was unsure if I'd be able to get in, but I just started going to classes at the beginning of the year anyway, and while I have to cut out a little early once a week to get to another class, thanks to the awesome voice recorder my uncle gave me over the Christmas break, I don't have to actually miss what he says! It's really intriguing~
The class I have to skip out to catch is Endocrinology. I am actually auditing the course, or simply taking it for informational purposes and not getting credit for it. I'm not taking the tests either, though, so there's that! It's a 300-level Biology course, about hormones and their roles throughout the body. I figured it would be good for me to have at least some knowledge about that if I'm interested in psychology. It's not quite the course I was imagining, since we're not talking about neurohormones/transmitters at all really, but it's still interesting information! It's also a small class, so that helps me understand things better. I don't get absolutely everything we talk about, since I haven't but taken two other Biology courses here, but it's still cool. Wish I had more time to read, though.
The other classes I'm in are Marriage & Family, Child & Adolescent Development, and Physics Fundamentals. The Physics course is more of a summary/overview course for the main points of physics in our world, and the people who contributed, like Newton and Kepler. (learned that Tycho had a silver nose, too) The first two are Family & Child Development courses. I am learning a lot about the growth of humans in general. (I hope I remember these things when I have kids...)

I'm also attending a ballet class at a local studio~! The teacher also does classes on my school's campus, but very few, and I don't have the schedule to accommodate those. So she suggested I go to the others, and I've really been enjoying it! The class is intermediate level, and aimed at slightly younger level/age group, which is really more my level, honestly. I'm learning so much about ballet, and instead of just rushing along with it, I'm retaining a good bit of it! And it's rather helped my balance outside the studio, too! XD
My hair has been getting longer, and I need to keep it up during practice. So my wonderful roommate usually does my hair for me! She says it's fun~ Here are some of her results:

Yeah. I didn't know my hair could do some of that either. XD

In other news, I have been applying for scholarships, and searching for internship possibilities, and going to career fairs... I feel like I'm not doing enough, yet when I sit down and list things, it is a lot. And yet I don't feel much closer to figuring things out. XP Probably just my natural indecision-ness being annoying.

And in what extra time I don't have, I've been writing! I'm using a new program a generous friend helped me get a discount on called Scrivener, and it's really cool. I haven't used all of is capacities, of course, because it's kind-of like Photoshop: there is always something new. But the current project I'm using it for is going rather well! I shortened the chapter length so that getting a chapter done is more attainable for me (usually I write ~6000 words/chapter, this time I'm trying to keep it under 2500). It's exciting actually seeing progress!
It's a Princess Tutu fanfiction, and it's something totally new for me because I'm doing a frame story. For those unaware, a frame story  is a story within a story. Like books that start off "The man went to the fireside and told his children, "This is a story that took place long ago..."" The Princess Bride would be a frame story. But I'm trying to actually involve the frame part of the story, so it doesn't seem pointless and just tacked on. I think it's working, but it is difficult! Especially when I don't really have time to think about it frequently. But I am really happy to be getting it done.

Also, I don't remember which night it was, but I apparently needed to do something with my hands. So I took about an hour or so and made a collage for the back of our room door.
The lighting isn't the best, but we don't have the best lighting. :p
I used old calenders, scissors, and tape. :) I'm rather happy with how it turned out~ I keep old calenders around anyway for impromptu birthday gift wrapping. (cheaper and easier to store than actual wrapping paper, too)

I'll try to keep this place a bit more updated. Until then!

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