Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Been A While

Soo... It's now 2014! Yay! 8D
... Let's move past the awkward 'I forgot this existed' phrases, and just get to summarizing what's been happening, eh? X3'

So this past semester I took an Abnormal Psychology course, which I loved, Intermediate Ballet, also loved, Epistemology, which was rather fun if confusing at times, Approaches to Literature, which I enjoyed, and another semester of Intermediate Creative Writing! Which, of course, was fun~ I took Teachings of the Living Prophets as my Institute course, and we discussed the past spring's General Conference. It's crazy what you can gain when you re-read things! I mean, I've known that for a while, but still; it still amazes me at times~

Midterms and finals came and went, along with the associated stress, and apparently it paid off! I've managed to pull off As in all my classes!! That made me rather excited~

For Halloween, I dressed up as a woodland fairy of some kind~

I got to help a friend dress up as a Kyoshi Warrior, as well! It's amazing what friends, fabric, and facepaint can do!

Over the semester, I also managed to watch some movies with friends, and make progress on watching a few animes: Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Princess Tutu. Yes, they sound very strange together, but they are both epic and beautiful!! Princess Tutu is much better than it sounds, and even I was put off by the name, but perseverance pays off~ Tis a wonderful story of stories, fairy tales actually, and ballet, and about the author who is still affecting it after his death. And Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood is just plainly epic. It is so intricate, and crazy, and well-planned! Note though: tis also long. I and my friends have gotten to season... 4? 5? Something like that. And there's still another yet to go. But it will be worth it~
On the other side, Princess Tutu only has 26 episodes in all! And they're not even a full half-hour each. Really. It's a great watch, I highly suggest it~!
In fact, here; have a nice little video of it that's not really spoilery (really it highlights the dancing, actually; but the story is just as beautiful):

A better representation of the crazy story is this video, but warning! It has spoilers!

Anyway, this Christmas break, we got three whole weeks! It's crazy, but I'm rather happy with it. I worked back at the Observatory for a while, and we put up Christmas stuff together~ Like our tree!

Then this past weekend we traveled to AZ to visit my grandma and uncle again~ Twas just a quick visit, but I'm happy we got to go!
 Mexican Train is always fun~ At the end, dad helped clean up in his own way.

Another wonderful thing: I have finally been catching up with Doctor Who!! I have finally seen pretty much all the released episodes, I do believe. There's just the extras of looking back over things meta-production wise that I want to see~ But regarding the show itself, I don't think there's any show that has made me cry and get excited so much, sometimes within the very same episode! It's so wonderfuuuul~

So, this next semester (aka next week) I'll be taking a few classes for Family and Child Development, as that's the route closest to Psychology that my school offers. Then, there's research ahead for graduate schools/programs... I want to go into research, so it'll be a bit of a different focus than if I were going to be a practitioner or clinician. But it will still require lots-o-schooling, so I really should get looking. Especially since this is the second semester of my junior year! Next year I'm a senior, and I need to have applications in before that's over. *sigh* The search for funds and programs never ends~

Which reminds me! A friend is selling a book of short stories and poems to fund a Travel Study trip she wants to take this summer. She is a great writer, and it doesn't cost very much, so if you're interested, here's the link.

Until next time! <3

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