Monday, August 18, 2014

SO Soon

And yet again, I am off to Virginia for school! However, this is my last year of school as an undergraduate. O_o Wow. Three years has gone by super-fast! Gah!
Not sure if I'm ready for this... But it will work out. I hope. Mrah.

I did an online course over the summer, entitled "Personal and Family Finance." I finally finished the last exam the other day, and now I have to wait for it to get graded, but it's done now. GAH. Overall, the course was fine, and I learned a lot of great information. But the last chapter had to be on investing. Stocks and bonds, retirement... I am so barking paranoid now about getting a Roth IRA, but I don't even have a steady job yet, so I am holding off. Anxiously. XP But other than paranoia, the most annoying thing has been the delivering method of the exams. It's an online course, self-paced, and the quizzes and practice tests were online/downloadable. I was asked to go to the nearest test facility to take exams, which I understand and didn't mind accommodating, despite it being about 45 minutes' drive away. (I've been making the trip fairly frequently this summer anyway, explained later) But the tests have to be physically mailed. From Utah. So after I complete the necessary requirements and such, I order the test online, and have to wait around a week for the test to come in. Sure, gives me plenty of study time, but I wanted to get this class over before the summer was done! And there was a lot of work to be done! So I usually ended up moving on after a few days of taking the practice tests... This last test. I wasn't sure if it would get here in time before I left for school. But hallelujah that it did! I've done it, done the best I can, logically guessed on what I was unsure about, and it's sent off. *throws hands in the air*

Speaking of going to Alpine frequently, I was able to find a wonderful dance studio to work out with during the summer! Cynthia's been a great teacher, and really helping me improve (and not lose whatever I had before XD). The other ladies in the classes were always lots of fun, too. It was fantastic to see them still working on keeping in shape, even though most of them are retired or close thereto. I enjoyed having class with all of them, and look forward to seeing them again at some point~ (possibly when I come back for Christmas?)
Also got to see a few friends in town after class. The Currys are a wonderful family, and it's been fun to hang out with them for a few hours twice a week. Yes, we would have liked a bit more time... But I had classwork, and some of them had jobs. So it worked out. Had lots of fun with the time we did have, though! One of the girls was recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, but they're all catching on pretty quick what that means and will entail. So I'm glad that they have support for that, and that it's getting taken care of now rather than discovered later. Yay medicine! (and advice, and magazines, and recipes, and seminars, and...)

Oh, and if anyone is interested, here is a link to my Princess Tutu fanfiction! I've been posting the chapters, and I'm up to 40. Just 5 more to go, and the whole thing will be up! I'll probably finish posting next week, though, as this one I'll be traveling/moving. :/ But that will give you some time to catch up to the rest of it, if you want. XD
And I also started an analysis blog called TuTuTV, wherein I post an analyze Princess Tutu music videos, because there are so many wonderful ones, and I just can't go too long without analyzing something. :D It's quite fun.

Well I best get back to packing! I'll try to update again once I'm at school. Give a rundown of my classes and such. It's my last year... <w< SO there's a senior paper to be writing. (got to get it approved first)

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