Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Ireland Adventures - Trinity

Okay, these posts are going to be picture heavy! I won't share everything, and you can look at my Facebook for some more pictures. Here are some more fun ones~

Day one, part one! Well, somewhat; time changes throw ya off a bit. But these pictures are from the interim; riding to the airport, at the airport... First picture is me and Sashah, my Eevee plush! :3 (it was very cold, so layers were necessary. Plus, planes.) Shelby was a fellow red-headed friend along~ Maryn is another friend in the background to the right. Third, we've got Sashah chilling at the airport while we all eat our food. (I don't need to share everyone eating their foods. XD)

Then, 6+ hours later, we landed in Ireland! At like 5 in the morning. I was too excited to care. (no I had not slept on the planes.) Of course, as seen in the second picture on our double-decker bus to our hostel, some of the group was just as excited too. XD Then we finally got to our hostel, Kinlay House, the entrance of which is to the right in the third picture. The Church of Christ is in front and center there. Yeah, RIGHT there. :D

(the golden ball up there is actually outside of a large bank~ It's got a large courtyard-ish area to just chill by the street. :3)
 Friends had cameras, too! Jessica knows what she's after.
There was a gorgeous mosaic at the mall near where we ate breakfast, too. (Kilkenny's; seriously awesome food. The bread is so thick!!) The mosaic shows a whole bunch of tales from traditional Irish mythology, from the Black and Brown bulls, to Cuchulain and Badb in the form of a crow, and so many more! Love what research can make you aware of~ <3

Lucy was taking time to write in her journal~ Third red-head friend along on the trip! :3
Kilkenny's was upstairs of a nice little shop. There was a lot of awesome art there, including this gorgeous fox! X3

Then we went to Trinity College... Saw the Book of Kells!! Wonderful exhibit, not allowed to take pictures, but still totally worth it. It's a heavily illuminated book of the 4 Gospels. They have different pages of it on display at different times. It was gorgeous, beautiful, and amazing! It was pretty quiet in the exhibit area, although it felt more like a respect thing than an 'early morning' thing (it wasn't even terribly early, I feel like).
And then we went upstairs to the Library's Long Room! It is gorgeous. And that's where they had the "Wild Upon The Waves: Mythology in Children's Literature" exhibit. LOVELY. And so exciting. All kinds of mythology, listings...

It was amazingtastical indeed~ <3 Then walked around Trinity a bit with Maryn.

I will leave this post with that, and continue in the next one! Hope you enjoy it~ <3

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