Saturday, May 16, 2015


Weeelll, I do exist!
Things I have done the past month:
    • There will be pictures coming.
  •  Finished my senior paper! YEAH! Topic: Emathy through Narrative, with a focus on the treatment of mental disorders (in a literary sense) in To Kill A Mockingbird and Jane Eyre.
  • Graduated! Woo! I now have a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts!
    • As well as minors in Creative Writing, Philosophy, and Family & Child Development.
  • Moved into a new apartment that's shared living with some other girls! I've also got a roommate for now. Unanticipated, but that's life for ya. At least the room is large enough, mostly.
  • Applied for a whole bunch of jobs, both online freelancing writing/editing, as well as some local jobs so I can pay rent. <w<
    • Haven't heard from any of them yet. One I am getting an interview in June because that's when they get openings. The others... I haven't the slightest.
    • With at least two fantastical people on two different and amazing stories.
    • I will be working on my own stories in the next month or two, as well.
Aaand here are some pictures from Ireland! 8D Namely Dublin. On the first morning. As in on the bus to our hostel at like 4 AM.

 Sasha enjoyed the double-decker bus. :3

Dublin! After the sun rose~ 

I think this was at St. Patrick's Cathedral.

 Garden of Remembrance! It's a statue of the Children of Lir, in memory of those who died in the 1916 Uprising.
Cliffs of Moher! Goodness, it's gorgeous out there~ <3
Tara! Where the High Kings of Ireland once held court.

Blarney castle~

Aaaand I'll get more later! <3

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