Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!
I took a doodle I did during sacrament today and scanned it, then painted it in Photoshop~ :3
I was originally planning on using the tempura paints I have to actually paint it, but I realized that 1) getting the right colors with the awfully-translucent paints I have would be super frustrating, and b) that it would take forever to do, and I knew there were other things to get done. Plus, 3) my arms would not like me very well afterwards, since I'd probably do it all in one sitting... <w<'
This only took about an hour or so~ :)
I'm so happy with that tree~!! I usually make them look super-awkward and stuff! While it's not amazing, it's my best one yet! <3

...Moving on.

Yesterday I got the opportunity to go to Washington D.C. for a class trip, and we went to the National Gallery of Art! I went once last semester for a different class, and there are still a number of things I haven't seen! Here's me in front of the main rotunda fountain of Hermes. All the fountains were all decked out for Easter. Or maybe it was for the Cherry Blossom Festival...? Or the National Kite Day? I don't really know. There was a lot going on, but I'm assuming they were celebrating Easter.

And there are so many things I love to just sit and look at! Like Degas. He was so talented - there's a whole room dedicated to his statues of ballerinas/dancers and horses, pretty much. I love looking at the crazy poses he was able to get! Not only that, but he did some wonderful paintings, too. They were scattered around on the upper floor.

*sigh* Alas, we had a packet to fill out, which did allow us a nice semi-overview of a good portion of the building. However, there was just so much to do... but I loved the time I had there. I was with my roommate, and we did the packet (same class), and looked around a bit.

Then, we went over to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History! Goodness; smaller building, sort-of, but packed full of amazingness!! We spent the most time in the mammals area~

 The top one actually was a lead into the gift shop, but a good portion of the rest of the animals were similarly action-posed! And the second picture is an interesting little area talking about how the dingo (front) is still around, and has outlived the thylacine (in the back), believed now to be extinct. I couldn't help but think of Tazza!! <3

I also oogled over the bones section for a while~ <3 Next time, I'll plan on just spending a day in this museum or something so I will be able to actually assimilate more information.

 We briefly saw the Hope Diamond - it's really quite pretty, but the mob surrounding it was ridiculous!! I mean, look at that!

After that, quick jaunts to the gift stores to get magnets, and then it was time to head out! We were in D.C. for about 5-6 hours. There was a lot to see and do, and we only did a fraction. I am perfectly fine with that, though.
And Allan now has evidence he travels with me!

Then, after we got back from that, my roomie and I hoofed it to a cafe in town to get to our RA's concert! She's really quite good - writes and sings her own music for keyboard. She doesn't have anything for sale yet, but she's working on it~ ^.^
So... since my car is getting fixed right now, we walked there and back up the hills to our dorm, after walking all over in D.C.. My legs are kind-of letting me know, but not nearly as bad as I was anticipating. (Of course, talk to me tomorrow, and we'll see. XD)

That was yesterday, the 30th. On Tuesday the 26th, I had an experience I will remember for the rest of my life with happiness and joy. I got to go see a Broadway production of Les Miserables~!!!!!!!! *scream of joy*
Same theater in Richmond in which I saw Wicked and The Lion King. I love that place so barking much.
I know the story of Les Mis by heart; have read the book (unabridged), listened to and seen the 10th anniversary I don't know how many times, listened to the 25th anniversary as well (doesn't stick in my mind as much, though)... I'll be seeing the new movie once I get home. I wasn't sure if I'd ever get to see the musical performed though.
AND then this opportunity came up. I got medium-priced seating from the school, and ENJOYED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. <3 I really should have known that I'd need tissues though. Really. I noticed later that my hands were rather salty because of all the tears I wiped away. >w< Usually, I don't cry so much, but Les Mis is a crazy spot for me. I cried at the end of the book. I cried when I first saw the anniversary performance. I expected to cry here, but got so excited I forgot tissues. XD AH well - I survived. And loved it. So barking much. <3 <3

I noticed a lot of things, some new, at least to me, and some not so new but wonderful reminders. So, I wanted to catch you all up with my craziness, and also wish you a happy Easter. I love the gospel, and I love the people in my life. Thank you for helping me look again at some of the things I've done.

School will be done next month... *sigh* I will do as best I can for the rest of this semester!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Wheel Keeps Rolling

So... I'm good at keeping track of things. I just don't share them very quickly. :3'

Spring break has come and gone for me here at school. I spent most of it happily engrossed in books (got through 9 mangas!), and keeping my foot up, for my left large toe had somehow gotten infected and I had to get the toenail removed. It's still recovering from that currently, but I'm not hobbling really anymore, and I can usually keep my foot down for the entire day, with only occasional elevation time periods, instead of visa-verse.

Schoolwork-wise, I am in another Art class this semester: 2D Design. It's really quite fun, although challenging for sure. Mostly because of the time it requires. My arms don't always like it when I spend hours at a time painting or sketching. The class is great though - there are so may talented people in there! I love seeing what they all can do~
I'm also in Ethics this semester, which is rather interesting. I read a book about lying for it, and I am consequently thinking of buying the book for myself... It's called "Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life" by Sisela Bok. I recorded so many notes/quotes from it.... X3
Other classes of mine this semester include Beginning Ballet, Arts in Western Civilization part two, and Intermediate Creative Writing~ And, of course, Institute, but that's been a constant during all my semesters. And will continue to be.

I've decided to step down from my position as Photos Editor for The Paladin, our school newspaper. While it paid and is a good job, it just... I am doing a lot. I'm getting paid better for being a Spanish tutor this semester. And while I cannot cease being a part of The Paladin because I've been with it since my first semester, I will no longer be officially part of staff. Nor will I endeavor to take those responsibilities again, at least this semester. Too much else to do.
Speaking of such - I'm now one of the leaders of the creative writing club on campus, The Underground. I'm really hoping it goes well. A lot of people are going to be graduating and moving on - I will endeavor to keep things alive whilst changes occur.
I know it sounds like I'm simply replacing a nice paid position with a non-paid more intensive position, but really I don't think I am. The Underground won't require me to be aware of every single activity going on on campus. And while I will probably invest some more time into it than my other position, it will be more of what I want; writing is really something that I want to get more invested in. I love photography, but I'm not huge on the public-relations portion of it. I can do it, and I know it's necessary, but it's not the avenue of photography I'd want to pursue for myself. Writing is. Writing always will be. Being a part of The Underground like this will be most... intriguing~ And exciting, I believe.

The Doctor Who Club is going to be needing a leader for the next semester, but I'm not going to be doing that. I really love the club, and what we do do is tons of fun. We got together just this past Friday and watched "The Fires of Pompeii". We had discussions regarding the role of responsibility, and how it can and/or should be used. We also talked about time, and fixed point possibilities, and it really reminded me of Metaphysics quite a bit~ Our sponsorial professor Dr. Jones was able to be there for a while, and he's always so good at these kind of discussions~! (He's the Metaphysics teacher too. XD) We also found out that we have collected about 1133 boxtops this year thus far!! We put TARDISes around the school to collect for the local schools. The campaign has been getting better each year~

Hm... Not sure what else to say. Attempting to write, getting more notes transcribed to the computer...

That's all for now, I suppose~