Monday, October 24, 2011

Time's Past

SO, midterms are finally over. WHEW!
Now, on to the next set of craziness that shall be added unto for the final and make sure it all stays fresh in the mind.
But at least I feel like I have a breather for now~

In case you haven't (or have) been keeping up with the blog about the new book Limbo's Child, it's finally out!!!! *party*
Here's the main blog (which he's still posting chapters up on) ->
'Tis now available on for the Kindle (or Kindle Readers, which are free) for just $0.99!!
Yeah; read that again. $0.99! Seriously!! You can get this amazingtasticness for under one barking dollar!!
Even if you don't have a Kindle, which I myself don't, Jonah links to where you can download Kindle Readers, which are free. Here's the blog's link about it ->

Now, if that isn't enough of a deal to at least interest you, for this first week of the book's release, Jonah's offering the first half of the book for free.
If you don't believe me, I can understand - so here's the link ->
The last 300 pages will be for free next week; so if you find yourself unable to be bothered finding enough change for the entire thing now, go now and take your fill while you can.

Does this all sound too good to be true? Well it's happening; the free half for only a limited time though, so get on it!
(I myself simply bought it all right now; I mean come on; $0.99?? Even I, a scrounging college student, can find the money for that.)

In other news...

Our school got a bomb threat at 1 AM this morning.
Here's a (albeit short) news article on it; it made the headlines apparently.
And here's the school's low-down on what happened when:

I was just getting off to sleep, practically all the way out... when we got a knock on the door telling us we need to evacuate at 1AM. I myself didn't hear the knocking; my roommates had to get me up. So I groggily got up and put more layers on (I already had 2 layers, just added a few jackets; I'm rather cold-natured), grabbed my purse, and left with my roomies. I didn't grab my laptop, my phone, even my sketchbook. I was not all the way there. Actually, I was convinced we were doing a drill of some sort - we did a fire drill near the beginning of the semester at about 4 AM, so I wouldn't put anything past them now. When we left the building and passed multiple trucks and K-9 units, I began to be suspicious. I didn't really register that this could be something serious, though, until all we girls in the dorms were huddling and gossiping in the church building just down the hill. Well, there was talking going on; I was not a participant. In fact, I felt rather ill the entire time, I think I may be catching a cold... So that was added onto the fact that I just wanted sleep.
Alas, the floor of the church basketball area is not the most comfortable place to lie. That, and my stomach wasn't always sure what it wanted to do either.
At any rate, around 3:30 we finally got the all-clear to go back to our dorms. I didn't say anything, didn't really do much except trudge back up the hill, and fall into bed.
I probably got about 2 hours of sleep.
Then, at 6AM, my alarm went off for my 7AM Biology class.
No, classes had not been canceled in the slightest.

So, right now, I'm still going alright. I can do the few-hours-sleep thing for a while, but I will be sleeping good tonight... (I hope)

So, that's my excitement for the week. They still don't know exactly who sent the bomb-threat or why, it's still under investigation, but I'm (mostly) happy to say that classes are still going as planned and the entire campus has been cleared. I'm also happy I'm just a student. Mr Doxey, VP of organizations & student services here, said he didn't get home until 8AM this morning. Even then, he only grabbed a quick 2-hour nap before going on with the day. Plus, some of our Resident Advisers had to stand guard at the doors and make sure no one came in or left the buildings and didn't hardly get any sleep before classes began, if any at all.

So, I am lucky that I am not one of those people who freak out easily and couldn't have slept at all, as I am happy that I was not a Resident Adviser responsible for keeping track of people during this crazy time.
But that doesn't mean I feel any better physically. XP

Alright, I've gotten out my little whine/rant. I'm thankful that we're all ok and stuff, and hopefully it doesn't happen again.

Oh; and I drove out to Roanoke on Saturday~ Twas fun, I believe. Tiring, yes, but enjoyable. Especially since I got into a Barnes & Noble... <3 (and inevitably bought something or other :) )

Now, go check out Limbo's Child!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Step On Up

So, I just took two exams and a quiz earlier today~
I feel ok about them; I've studied and prayed and that's all I can do.

I was studying over the weekend, except for Saturday evening when I went to the Homecoming dance. The theme was "A Night Under the Big Top". Yes, like a circus~ It was awesome! They had booths Christmas lights and everything~ :)
 There was facepainting, 'fishing', arm wrestling, a photo booth... Even a guy doing balloon stuff~

Plus the dancing itself! I even got my friend Eddie out on the dance floor a little bit.
I left before it ended though; I was sooo tired... Hopefully I'll have caught up on my sleep by tomorrow.

In other news, I got to go to the D.C. temple last Tuesday!

It was beautiful~
(and massive)
It's about 3 hours or so from here. My roommates were all "That's so long to just sit in a car!", while I was thinking "Hey, like a trip to Wal-Mart back home!" XD We even got to take charter buses instead of vans~

Other than that, anticipating the release of Limbo's Child~!
Due to some last-minute strokes of genius, Jonah ended up adding one more chapter to the book, and it entirely works! It's the new prologue, if you care to read it on his blog~ ->
However, because of it, some re-organizing occurred in the book's formatting; some of it planned, some of it not. So he's having to do another editing session to fix it up. It sets things a little off on his schedule, but greatness can't be rushed. In the meantime, I wish him luck, and I invite even more of you guys to go check out what chapters he has already got up!
-> <-

And, simply because I was watching them again recently, check out this awesome dance group called Remote Kontrol!

This is from 2010, but they're still doing awesome stuffs now! This is just the first vid of them that I saw, and was blown away. It's a bit long, over 10 minutes, but it's still well worth the watch~
This is their website, with more clips of their amazing talent!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ever find random things happen to you when you're not looking? I swear I was just doing normal stuff today, even a little less crazy, and poof! I find a raw bleeding spot on my knuckle by just noticing it. Didn't hurt or anything, just noticed the red stuff on my milky complexion. (and I thought I was done with that after high school XD')
Guess I'm still as observant as ever~ 

Well, here it is, OCTOBER~ <3
Probably my favorite month of the year, right after December. :)
(The only reason December beats it out is because of school breaks, instead of the test-taking induced in October. Yes, that's counting Christmas and my birthday. I just think October rocks that much!)

And I find myself not quite as frazzled as I was expecting. Of course, it's only the first week thus far, but still. I believe it has been enjoyable! It's been getting chilly enough for me to wear my warm(ish) jackets, and start wearing gloves! <3 I love them~
And more trees are turning colors! Yay!!

Heheh; and, I got to see WICKED~!! <3 It was Oztacular!!

Unfortunately, we kinda missed the first 10 minutes because we got there right as the show was starting, and we had to go up a few flights of stairs. The actors' guild (I believe? That's what the attendants were telling us anyway) had mandated that if any of the audience was late, they had to wait for a good 10 minutes (until the first 'break' in the scenes) to get in to seating. >0 But at least we could still hear it~ And the theater was EPIC.

(Just so you know what I dressed up in, I put in the brighter pic of me. But then focus on the intricacy of that stage behind me in the darker picture - that dragon moved!!!)

I ended up buying a magnet and poster. The soundtrack was super-expensive, so I'm just gonna find that someplace else cheaper. :p Until then, Youtube, my friend!
This is the opening song to the entire thing~ <3
Seriously, that musical has such an epic score!!
I want to find the piano music soooo much, but first I'll focus on getting the soundtrack~

In other things, I've been working on homework; reading lots and lots, wrote a paper for Philosophy...
Yeah. Nothing too exciting. Yet very time-consuming. X.x

Again; October 15 is coming ever-closer!! Go check out Limbo's Child over here -> <-

There's a few of the first chapters up, as a special treat to those who go there~ <3
If you stick around for the news, I hear that he'll be offering the book for the first few days at a special deal....
for free~
Yeah, I know!! SO AWESOME, right?? SO, be prepared to go for it when the time comes! >D
(of course, it's not too expensive anyway... BUT who doesn't love free??)

So, get your bums in action and head over to right there!

And thanks for reading this randomosity~