Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Summeeeerrr.... 2017

It was going to happen someday.
An update, that is.

So, what's happened meantime?
I've moved from one part of town in Utah to another, and am now within walking distance of my work! Huzzah!
I'm still working part time, more or less, though often more as I cover people's shifts that need help on a relatively frequent basis. I'm getting better at saying no when I need to. Money is nice, but so is sanity.
I'm making a crapload of progress on writing with my two co-writers, on our combined books and off shoots. One series is adventure/fantasy, the other is romance/alternate universes. It's strange, I know. But! It's writing! And it's fun writing too~
I'm... having some issues with my personal books.
And personal life. Anxiety is a rude, disgusting creature that manages to creep in any crevice it can find. XP

So, do I actually have (capitalized) Anxiety? As a disorder?
Not sure. I've thought it could be Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar (mild)... And haven't really gotten an answer from anyone I've gone to about it. Albeit, I hold myself up and strong and get through life because that's what has to be done.
But it's hard and I'm trying to find ways to make it easier.
Thankfully, despite not getting answers, I've gotten suggestions and possible helps from the people I've gone to over time. And getting reminders of DBT (Dialectic Behavioral Therapy) skills whenever I work is awesome.
Now just the application that needs work at times.

Am I over-sharing?
Well, considering I don't even have a specific thing I'm sharing, I don't think so.
And also considering I raise awareness of mental health whenever I can anyway. My own health is part of that.

On the plus side, I went to a friend game night this last weekend! And I've actually gotten to see numerous friends over the past few weeks. So that has been nice. :3

I've also been enjoying creating themes in my outfits more. Work has implemented a rather bland color code, black or purple top, grey or black bottom, all solid. So I've been creating more outside of there.

And here are some fun photos for your viewing pleasure:

 Got the shell and lacey earrings from Texas Tangled Threads, and the layered bead necklace from Premier Jewelry. (It's really one long necklace, but I got a clasp thing from them that lets me shorten any necklace by putting it around in half. Super useful! I guess you could get the same thing from using a string or ribbon or something, but the metal clasp is super easy to use.)

Little Leir! The girl is super random but the kid is from the fantasy/adventure series. At this point, he's like 12.

Making public transport look stylish~

And, of course, normal workday attire. (sorry about the background)

Well that's all I got energy for tonight.
Good night and good luck~


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