Monday, October 20, 2014

October. It's here.

Wow. That was quick. And October is actually over half-over. DB Graaaahh.
Good news: I have a costume idea! A few, actually. But, because of time constraints, and money, I'll be attempting to create an Anna costume from Frozen! Because it's easy enough, and I've got the hair for it. (and temporary hair-color-spray) :3 I'll take pictures when I actually have more things together for it, but I've got some pieces that I think will work so far~

With school... I am really doing a lot. I am attempting to streamline some things so that next semester won't be so hectic, but for this semester, some times it's calmer than others. But I'm seriously enjoying it. Except for math. But that's mostly because we're moving at breakneck speed in Statistics. I like the application ideas, and the experiment incorporation, but I barely have time to sort-of grasp the ideas before we're learning something new. Again. *sigh*
But writing is fantastic! As is editing/sharing! I'm actually doing more editing than just for my class, as friends  are working on stories as well. But it's really so much fun, I love helping out so much.
And clubs are making progress. Not as much as anticipated, but progress period is good. Lovely. Hopeful.
And Institute is wonderfully helpful. I'm taking Teachings of the Living Prophets, where we go over the most recent General Conference addresses (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints keeps the website updated very nicely!). Before the most recent conference, we used talks from last Fall. Pretty much all of them have been helpful and timed really well, but then again, I suppose that I should expect that if I actually put effort into my studies. XD Especially spiritually-related.
And thank heavens for that. Because college life certainly isn't conducive to me getting the sleep I should need to appropriately deal with life. :D But I'm working with it! And ballet is helping me keep a reality check going.
As is job hunting. Er, rather, job/internship hunting is an additional task that I'm working with, and ballet and stuff are helping me not feel overwhelmed about it. Because I'm looking in the publishing industry, but I've not got the slightest how to get a foot in the door. *sigh* Thankfully, there's a wonderful site called where there are lists/profiles of different publishers and such. And I've located a number of very intriguing-sounding companies, including one called Paper Lantern Lit. So I've been doing much research there. I'm thinking I perhaps ought to also get more work done on my senior paper, too... But I'm just a bit paranoid.
On the good side, I finally have some books for my paper analysis: To Kill a Mockingbird & Jane Eyre.
I look forward to getting to compare them, in terms of the portrayal of mental illness~ (now if only I could make the time...)
And interestingly enough, I feel like I have more time out of classes this semester, or at least not as spread all over the place, but when combined with homework and meetings and research, I probably have about the same amount of time as usual. I think. I've not had time to analyze that. <w<'

*sigh* Yep. Lots of prayer this semester. And faith.
But now, sleep. Because I don't get enough of that anyway.

Talk to ya later~

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