Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Wow. Life.

It's been a bit. I've moved across the country. And I've got a new job working at a treatment center for teens! :D Seriously though it's pretty awesome. I am helping kids figure out how to live and function in normal every-day things like school and just life. It can be hard but it's a good thing. :3
Also! I've got an actual contract with an online publisher! :D My internships have come to an end, with good things on both sides, and while I'm still working on something consistent, I'm making progress in the editing and publishing world! Which is good.
I'm now living in a two-room apartment with a friend from college. We get along great, and we've basically lived together before in college too. Not as official roommates, but weird housing stuff happened and she was around more often than not, which was fine. XD' And we both make enough so we can split the rent!
Fun fact: she works at the same place I do. And it's so busy that we hardly seem to see each other at work anyway. XD" Another fun fact: we get paid to eat meals with the kids we work with. Heck yeah!

And, as a fun-gotta-do-this activity, this past Halloween (well, Saturday the 29th) my friend and I decided to go to a masquerade! X3 If you have seen my Facebook, you've probably seen pictures. I'll try to get some in here.

So my flatmate and I got there a little after it started, and we sat at the back where there were chairs. The Air Arts (people climbing and performing on giant ribbons, a ring in the air) had already started intermittently, but the food hadn't yet so we were cool to watch for a while. There were sooo many amazingtastical masks! They were gorgeous, and wonderful, and beautiful, as well as the costumes/outfits. When there were dance numbers near the front, it was harder to see those, but it worked out alright. Some of the performers came back to our table between performances to eat their food, as it had room and one of the performers' boyfriends was back there so he knew a number of them. We got to talk with them as a result! It was great. I would have taken more pictures but it was kind of dark. And I was recommended to investigate taking some air arts classes in the area, because I was so excited about the performances. XD It was great.

About a quarter of the way through everything, the binding we attempted to put on my hair fell apart, but thankfully my hair looks pretty great long too. :D And even with the dancing later, it worked out.

The food was a buffet style set up in an adjoining room with the bar, and the buffet looked pretty great. There were some people in line who were already drunk and not the most patient, but it worked out and we got our food. There was an appetizer of... I can't remember the name but it was a slice of bread with some basil, tomato, and oil, plus a few herbs and even though I usually don't like raw tomatoes, this was great! Then there was a large salad that we had a number of options to put in, with arugula and spinach, and toppings like some roasted nuts and meats, some berries, etc. There were also a variety of meat kabobs. I got chicken. It was all really good.
After the eating and performances, they cleared the floor and turned up the music, and we danced! It was a lot of fun. I wore mostly comfy shoes, but they did still have heels, which I'm not terribly used to. I got a good two hours in of dancing, and then I was done. I snagged some dessert near the end, they had a number of varieties of beautiful cheesecake (I got strawberry), and then got an Uber and we left.
It was a ton of fun. :D

Now, it's not all been fine and dandy. We had an unfortunate run-in with bed bugs that I'm still freaking paranoid about, but we've sprayed at least like 4-5 times, gotten mattress covers, new sheets, etc. And things seem to be okay now, over a month later. But we're still keeping an eye out. Because they are hellish little demonic bloodsuckers.
On the good side, they were pretty much confined to my bedroom because I found them super quick and just cleared out my bedroom into bags and put them on our little patio-porch. And then ordered a ton of things and sprayed even before the apartment got an inspector to our place. On the annoying side, I had to pay for all of the inspector people the apartment sent to look and treat some things. Which was less intensive than anything I did. But, it's all basically settled now so we can sleep in peace.
-paranoia sucks XP-

Sooo I may hopefully be updating more now that things are settling a little more again. Hopefully.
Writing more too! Though all over the place. O_o

Okay thanks, pass.
Good luck and love~