Monday, November 17, 2014


So, this is my senior year as an undergraduate at college. There is a wonderful Travel Study program that my school offers, that goes fantastical places, within the US as well as internationally. I've thought about going on a few of them, but the most I have ever done was a day trip to D.C. for the Cherry Festival. I got to visit some of the Smithsonians and explore with friends, and had lots of fun! That was about two years ago, I believe.

As expected, though, the Travel Study opportunities cost money. The day-trip was probably about $50. Those are obscure enough that I haven't found them advertised on the main website, only on our special student-portals. And they are usually during school days, so I have not done more than the one.

But then there are the big trips: Ireland, England, New York City, Costa Rica, Italy... These are the trips that last from a few days to a few weeks. They offer the chance to explore a new culture, participate in a new tradition, see the beauty of a new world. And I plan on finally taking advantage of this chance.

There is a Travel Study trip to Dublin, Ireland during Spring Break 2015, lasting a total of about a week. (Two of those days will actually be plane travel, though, so more like 5 days; but that's still pretty awesome!) It is a chance I have to explore the wonders of Dublin with trusted friends, and see Ireland for myself. Plus, it is a chance to finally get to Europe! The only time I have left the continental U.S. was for the Puerto Rico Spanish trip at the end of high school. That was a fantastical experience, and I'd love to take the chance to do it again.

In Ireland, we will be traveling to a number of different locations: Trinity College (and seeing the Book of Kells), Blarney Castle & Cork, the Cliffs of Moher, Kilkenny Castle, and the Rock of Cashel. We'll also have some free time after the trips to explore around Dublin. There are so many things that I will be able to participate in while there!

Because I have at least 56 credit hours at SVU, I have a Travel Study voucher for $400. I have put that towards the $1850 this Ireland trip costs. However, I still have to come up with the other $1450.

Being a student, that is a bit difficult. So I am reaching out and asking for some help. I have started an online fundraiser at for my trip here. I know that not everyone has the current ability to donate, but spreading the word is another way to help out. Please share this campaign with those around you, and encourage them to share as well! If it reaches enough people, I'm sure that the goal can be reached. Even a small donation would be truly, greatly appreciated!

Thank you~


Halloween! It happened! And I dressed up as Anna from Frozen~ Twas fun!


I also had fun helping with makeup for my friend Bev, but you can see those pics on my Facebook. :3
Yay for Goodwill's supplies! And family who also find things for me~
(gosh my hair is getting so long... glad I can braid more effectively now!)

In the meantime, life has been... um... hectic? I say that questionably because I am generally unsure where I am at the moment, so it's just safe to assume I have a number of things due that I've not had time to work on... Crud, I'm remembering them now. There's a test in Statistics on Friday, as well as a project for the class. Not to mention a project/paper due in Family Process. Good news about that latter one: a portion of it is already pretty much done; he's based it off of previous assignments and built it off of them. However, the unfortunate part of that is that he hasn't gotten all of those previous assignments back to us yet... I think I have enough to do the essay portion, but it would be nice to have the rest of it. We'll probably get it on Wednesday, our next class period. Guess I know what I'll be doing Thursday.

But The Review is holding together~ The lit mag's deadline date has passed, so now we get on to the more fun part of actually rating the submissions! Now, just to do it when we can all actually get together... *sigh*

Also, Bev is getting married/sealed on Dec. 16th. O_o It's coming up quick! I won't be able to stay for the actual thing, unfortunately, as school is ending the previous week and dorms close up (and airline tickets are expensive). But I'll be at the reception in January when we return~

For the next bit of news, I'll be updating shortly. It's rather exciting, actually~

Stay tuned!