Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

It is now 2013. That will throw me off for a while. But, it does every year, so I shouldn't be surprised. XD

So! I am at my home in TX right now, but in the midst of packing to head out. I will be leaving on a plane early in the morning tomorrow (Thursday) for VA again, and I'll have a few days until school starts again on Monday.
Currently, I am eating some wonderfully delicious Russian salad from my friend's New Year's party up at the Observatory, and our kitty Kali is sprawling in my lap. Tasha is in my room, sitting in the sunlight and staring down my suitcase. I think they know I'm going again

Christmas-wise, I first flew to Arizona and met my parents at the airport - then we stayed a while with my grandma Biel and uncle Roger. We played games and had fun talking together~

One of our last days, we also went and saw The Hobbit in 3D! <3 I heard some people complaining about it before I went to the movies, but I seriously didn't even notice that 3 hours had passed by the end of the movie. It was quite wonderful~! [I am hoping that when I return to VA Le Miserables will still be playing - didn't get a chance to see it, and I am so barking excited for it!]

After that, we returned to TX and I have been seeing a multiplicity of friends, and spending time at home with my parents. One of my friends who moved to Utah just before I left for school this past semester was given a Christmas gift of coming back for a while! I was so excited to see her~ <3

I got quite a few wonderful presents, and I don't think I can name off everything. But I can try~
- A new hat~! It's fedora-esque, but soft and grey.
- A new leather purse! Maybe it'll help me cut down on carrying so much... XD'
- Cards and some money
- Music and food
- "Steampunk Bible", "a fully illustrated compendium" of all things steampunk, including it's origins
- Beautifully embroidered soft zipper bags to carry things
- A clay-crafted steampunk dragon pen! (technically a birthday present, but I count it as both. I've named him Allan~)
- "Manga Females Clip Art" book and CD
- Necklace and earrings of gears (fake, but they're lighter that way, and still look fantastic) (picture on Facebook)
- A portable jewelry organizer! It's got tons of zipper pockets on a hanger. Now maybe I can keep my 40+ necklaces untangled when I travel! 8D (yes, I really do have that many)

School-wise, things have been rather crazy. My academics have been going well, though, and while it was a lot of work, I managed to pull all As this past semester~! WOO!! My finals went exeedingly well too: while I did study, I didn't feel overly-stressed, even during the tests. I hope that this next year will be similar in results, but lower on the during-semester stress. A number of outside-academic factors played into that, such as finances and clubs. I plan on budgeting better this year, though, and being firm.
I may possibly be doing tutoring as well. I haven't yet, but I could get paid by the school for it, and I know I have the knowledge to help. Just gotta figure out when...

Speaking of searching, I've been doing research regarding careers and looking into the future, somewhat. I have decided that I want to go into Psychology. I'm really interested in biopsychology, or cognitive neuroscience, or something to that effect, but that will require a lot of schooling, so I'm thinking of going for something a little less intensive to get a job first, like assisting as a clinical psychologist, before I can get the education for research. Of course, the other one will still require graduate school, but I believe I will be able to do it. Now to just locate schools to do such...
I don't have plans set in stone - heck, I just figured this portion out this past week! But I am getting more definitive, for sure.

In the meantime, I'll do my best at what I have going right now and hope I get enough funds to continue with my current schooling. Oh scholarships, why must you be so difficult to acquire?! You would think having a high GPA ought to help... XP

Well, I need to return to packing. I shall endeavor to write more frequently, but we shall see!

Oh, and yesterday, I had this strong urge to create a cat plush of sorts - meant to be Mogget from Sabirel (book). I wanted to make him before school started, but that failed, so I thought during school I'd do it, but that didn't happen... So I spent a good portion of the day yesterday sewing him together while watching shows with my parents and friends~
No, not stunning or anything, but it actually sort-of looks like a cat, so I'm happy! XD Tis my first attempt at a plush of any kind~ My mom helped me finish the last portion, as my hands were about dead, and stuffed him quite nicely.
Maybe I'll draw eyes on him later. :p For now, packing!