Sunday, February 12, 2012

Isn't This Exciting?

I know! An update! How amazing!

heheh, ok, so all not joking aside, I have things to talk about and the time to do so! Somewhat...

SO, quickly then~

I have signed up for my classes for next semester [fall] here at SVU, because February is when it opens. If you don't grab your classes right quick, you won't be able to get into much of anything! At least, of what you probably need to get into. And a few of the wants.
I shall be taking Metaphysics, an upper-level Philosophy course. It's with an awesome professor, too! I'm rather excited~
I'll also be taking a Beginning Ballet class. I've had one year of classes before, but it was quite a while ago, so I'm looking forward to re-learning things. At least I won't have to worry about my feet positioning too much; my toes naturally point outwards! (not many people notice, but those who do tend to give strange looks... Can't say I blame them.)
I shall also be taking one of the required cores, Classics of Western Literature. I believe that I'll enjoy the reading, but there's going to be a lot of it, so hopefully I will at least like the subject material. We shall find out...
Oh! And I'll finally be taking Intro to Drawing! I'm excited to see what I will learn from an actual art class, instead of random model-drawing and stuff on my own. Plus, at least 4 hours of drawing will be required weekly, so I'll have an excuse to draw a lot again! (unfortunately, it may not be of things I want, but that is class for you) I may not get to draw much otherwise, as my arms still have no answer in sight, but a possible help may be investigated on my way home this spring. I shan't go into details because honestly, I don't remember many.
I was considering taking Anatomy & Physiology as well, but that would have taken muuuch more effort to handle at the same time as Classics of Western Lit, and would have thrown my whole schedule off because it's 4 days a week. *sigh* So unfortunately, no science/biology class next semester...
I will be taking Info Literacy, which is an online class that I hear is mainly teaching us how to use our resources properly. I hope it'll be a fairly easy class, because I'll need to focus on Metaphysics and Classics of Western Lit a lot, I feel.
But it also feels exciting~

Now I just got to get together more funds so I can actually attend next semester...
*sigh* More scholarship searching ahead... And applications. Hopefully that pay off.

Now, you're probably wondering what I've been doing besides class stuff. Well, unfortunately, I have gotten sick in the past week. Some cold of some sort is going around the school, and a good quarter or more of my Spanish class was out with it, and still has it, so it was kind-of inevitable that I would get it, I guess. But, I am doing what I can about it. Liquids, cough drops, TheraFlu... Bundling up warmly.

Also, my friends have decided that I have quite lovely hair, which I won't disagree with, and since it is also rather long, enjoy playing with it. I am astonished at the amazing things they have been able to accomplish.

I felt almost like Ariel!

I've never been able to get my hair to behave so nicely. It boggles my mind that people are capable of doing this. It'd be nice if I could get them to do it daily, but of course, I have a 7 AM Biology class 3 days a week. XD'

Oh, and there's a lovely river nearby that I finally got to go to for a little bit. Only a short time, but still lovely~ (though cold)

Well, I've got to be off! Bye~